Localization, at its best, requires adjusting language, names, terminology, references etc to meet the audience that the title is intended for.
Localization, at its best, requires adjusting language, names, terminology, references etc to meet the audience that the title is intended for.
Did Doctor Nerdlove just call the second guy the equivalent of Toxic Kaiju monster?!
Perhaps it’s an elaborate creepypasta?
I don’t understand how not a single person in the comments wound up with “Cancelling All Production of the NES Classic.” Is that not even one of the results somehow?
...said no one ever
These complaints sound so similar to what I heard about Banjo-Tooie back in the day that they actually just reinforce my hopes...
The official Nintendo line on this is that Peach is her first name and her last name is Toadstool. Yeah. Yeah. “Peach Toadstool.” That poor woman.
Well I mean... it’s not like we ever see the Link from Twilight Princess ever again. Maybe he used that thing for the rest of his life to hunt food. Eh.
How do you figure that happened?
So based on what TheRealPhoenix said, the ONLY change to the game was to remove some bits of useless code that identified who owned this copy and thus leaked it?
Most journalists make less than a teacher does each year.
Many people would argue that quoting Malcolm X makes him a pretty rebellious, outspoken, hardcore kid.
Wait, the Wii U version of Hyrule Warriors got TONS of updates and DLC...
I’m practically new to anime. I really just got passionately into it a few months ago, and I’m still taking my baby steps. So I appreciate any recommendations, and I thank you for these.
Do you believe in the “three-episode rule”?
Isn’t that one kind of... depressing? And the romance is... mmmm, less than romantic in the end?
WEll said.
That’s... definitely not what the text of the piece says. It sounds like it’s going to say that for a paragraph or two, and then it becomes clear that isn’t the author’s state of mind: she powerfully desires what the others have.
I was single for 10 years between relationships. 10 goddamn years of involuntary celibacy! Of course, now I’m married and have a son pretty late in life, so I can’t say it’s hopeless. But I also can’t say that it feels like being hopeful after three goddamn years either. I’m sorry :(
I agree with your “interpretation” - I can’t really call it that without quotes, because that is LITERALLY RIGHT THERE IN THE TEXT.