
I guess the payoff to those teasers is now “Sit down and watch Assault on Arkham” since that takes place in the Arkhamverse and is about the Suicide Squad.

People are fucking assholes. Especially kids. Kids are selfish, hateful little douchebags. ... I’m sorry you dealt with that.

I’m a fan of hers. I’m not sure she’s much of an actress after Furious 7, but as a human being she seems pretty awesome.

I just came across this post because I JUST discovered this franchise. I gobbled up the games and the anime and now I’m reading the manga, and unfortunately, I have a whole new problem: What the hell am I gonna do when I run out of Danganronpa material?

I’m fine with your proposal. Given that the right wing bases so many of their speeches and their news sources on easily disproven lies, I think a “You Must Know Something About What Reality Is to Ride This Ride” is entirely warranted.

It was the second movie. Professor Oak rolls up on his bike to her house and says “Hello, Delia!” BOOM.

Once you figure out how to shake them off with the proper motions (hint: don’t move too fast when doing it), it’s all worth it. Those Wii controls were incredibly immersive and valuable during the non-frozen sequences. I wouldn’t want to play any other way.

Man, I LOVE this game. My favorite Silent Hill, in fact.

I’d play these if they were portable.

So for those of us who can’t watch the video, can someone explain why/how it is that cosplayers are having trouble getting married?

No hints to that Arkham Asylum room and no hints to the Starfighter. The Naboo Starfighter DID blow my mind, though! And it had way more functionality than a damn room that teased a sequel!

Well sure, it’s based around a period when Superman never threw a punch in most media, so he only grabs things and drags them off. And uses x-ray vision to find things.

You are correct. Everyone who bitches about this game being “bad” thinks that because of modern technology.

All true. To be honest... there’s really nothing else like sexual assault. I don’t think there’s any analogy that would fit the profile.

I haven’t played it myself yet. I want to try it. But now I wonder if the reason I’m seeing all these positive responses is just the shock of it being notably better than the garbage first release. Being improved isn’t automatically equivalent to being good.

In a sea of reviews praising this game’s new combat feel, soundtrack, sprite animation and bosses, I appreciate this HOT TAKE!

Yeah, Circle of the Moon is literally the WORST Metroidvania they ever made.

Now, I thought it seemed pig-headed and selfish to call something so important “off-topic” if you’re part of a public community of those playing the game wherein people are being affected. You’re in the community, so it affects everyone. Hell, even if you weren’t, this topic affects HUMANS, as Chhetri stated in a

I loved Rush Adventure, Colors on DS (not Wii), and the Wii/PS2 version of Unleashed (which I found to be far stronger than the problematic PS3/360 version, despite some odd interface choices). I also think at least one of the Wiimote Sonic games is pretty damn good, and Generations is worthy of praise despite some

It seems like everyone who says that hasn’t actually played any of Sega’s Sonic games in years...