I would’ve loved to play as Theatrhythm-style Cloud in Smash.
I would’ve loved to play as Theatrhythm-style Cloud in Smash.
On second thought, maybe this is a sign that SE is going to port the PC version of FF7 over to a Nintendo platform like they’re doing for PS4?
I guess that’s something... at least...
A character from a game that has literally NEVER APPEARED ON A SINGLE NINTENDO PLATFORM.
They also said the game will feature “additional gameplay changes” that they’ll discuss at a later time.
I meant more in terms of the “current incarnation of PlayStation Network that grants me downloadable access to this game.” Which will inevitably come with time.
EXCELLENT NEWS. This is exactly what I was holding out hope for as I waited for all episodes to come out.
There have been many, many Charlie Brown voices in the various specials. Most of the actors only lasted maybe two or three specials.
True of pretty much all financial analysts.
The Cheers theme is super melancholy-sounding. It helps.
Let me simplify it for you by bringing in CELEBRITY business people, then: Every single one of the “Sharks” on Shark Tank thinks that Activision made a shitty deal based on King’s value.
It’s probably safe to assume that we won’t know anything about it except for a few vague images until the day it comes out.
Based on the current level of profit that King has generated in the past two years - around half a billion in 2013 and somewhere between .5 and 1 billion in 2014 - and based on comparable prices for much more profitable entities such as Minecraft...
I can’t see Gwen anymore without thinking of her obsession with clothing during her first year on The Voice.
Gwen: “You should join my team, because we have SO MANY clothes! I can’t wait to shop with you, I’ll be like your fashion consultant! It’ll be so cute to dress you up!”
Adam: “We already have people that do…
You can’t parody comedy. It never works.
How odd to see a Kotaku post about No One Lives Forever that isn’t written by Kirk Hamiltion...
Well he does say “NOT FAR from the site of the Shot... “
Both then and now, people lose sight of the fact that Andrew “Dice” Clay was a character that Clay created - a stage persona. A repulsive creation, sure, but part of the “joke” was the fact that he was such an obnoxious heel who was trying to give a “Brooklyn Tough Guy” exterior and desperately overdoing it. It was a…
3. The story this time is that Bond, having just concluded the apocalyptic face-off at the end of Skyfall