What’s funny about Quantum of Solace is how I didn’t like it when I first watched it... and then it’s really, really grown on me.
What’s funny about Quantum of Solace is how I didn’t like it when I first watched it... and then it’s really, really grown on me.
You know how the Prince climbs and parkours in the Sands of Time Series?
In that case, you and I are the reverse of each other.
The real head-twister is “What’s the worst Superman III - is it the Reeve Superman III, or the course-correction-failure Superman Returns?
Campaign mode or die trying!
I’m going to spend my life waiting for someone to top the University of Alaska-Fairbanks Nanook hype video.
Does this campaign have any of the choices/branches that Black Ops II had?
Episode I would’ve broken new ground in pacing and effects and music in all the same ways Episode IV did.
Sure. But if Episode I came out in 1977 and Episode IV came out in 1977, things would be exactly the same. Except that everybody would say Episode IV was shit and disappointing, of course...
The minute that Vision’s self-created family kills other people in an act of arson, as the first page blatantly tells us will happen, I hope that means that the Avengers charge in to destroy their former “ally,” now a soulless A.I. that is happy to kill without remorse.
Someone who’s really attracted to another human being and feeling lonely in all other areas of life, and oh, lives in Michigan. That’s just a bad scene.
I think The Phantom Menace might be my favorite of the prequels simply because of two reasons: 1) Liam Neeson is injects a lot of heart into every line he delivers, giving a lot more personality and soul to that movie, and 2) There’s a lot more practical locations and effects than the other two prequels. They go to a…
And for me, VI is my favorite. But V is a close second. I think they both nail what i want.
Their problem was that they forgot how cheesy and goofy the original movie really was, because.. they were kids when they saw THAT one.
The prequels ALREADY had awesome trailers. They never needed help in that department.
I assume you mean in terms of the artwork. It’s hard to imagine the descriptions getting much more graphic, at least.
Can’t read this speech bubble without hearing Toad’s voice from Mario Kart 64.
I was kind of interested in this game’s concept of finding and capturing hidden spirits/ghosts that dwell around us... until I learned it’s about things that cause shit, farts, and snot.
I have no issues with this. It makes sense that the suit has enough mechanics in the boots that she’d be on lifts.
Welp, sounds like I’ve got to play these.