
That price tag makes me wonder if they think that overcharging for each game will help them more rapidly recoup the massive cost of the acquisition. However, they’re overcharging so much that those interested are driven away.

Cool! Too bad it’s still stupid expensive and barely works, but I applaud that they’re trying something like this. It’s a smart, forward-thinking move.

I like the characterization of Samus, I LOVE the way it looks (I’m really surprised at how great this looks! I mean, seriously!), and I like the story elements dealing with the Chozo stuff.

Ohhhh. THAT’S why the acting feels so wrong.

So is there a YouTube program that will guarantee that I will give absolutely no money to PewDiePie? Because I’d like to sign up for anything that lowers his income.

Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter is PSP emulated. You can even download it on your PSP.

Big props to XSEED for living up to their promise of bringing this to us. I understand it was quite a labor of love despite little promise of an ROI.

Yes, they both work on Vita (digital versions)

His best argument would’ve been “I can separate reality from fiction and will not imitate nor be encouraged by the bad behavior of fictional characters.”

Fun list, even though none of my top three scariest games ever appear anywhere on here. But then again, this isn’t just a list of “scariest,” it’s a list of overall “bests,” and that’s another discussion, isn’t it?

Steve Rogers’ had to face up to the reality of how badly American has treated black men in the TRUTH mini-series. It was gripping and moving and... this writer didn’t read it, obviously.

I would say that “Wow, it’s like Steve forgot the shit he learned in TRUTH: Red White & Black,” but let’s be real, it’s actually just the writer never read that series.

Even compared to other weak Zeldas like the clunky Spirit Tracks

Miyamoto’s personal hell is watching people play Turok: Dinosaur Hunter on the N64.

No wonder Miayamoto disliked the storyline that was inserted into Super Mario Galaxy - the entire story is about being unable to cope with a loved one’s death. TOO DARK FOR MIYAMOTO

I think the original is more effective due to performances and score, but that’s me. It might be worth it if you’re in for CGI effects or something.

They were all right. There was nothing revolutionary about the iPod.

Feel-Bad TV is always there for you, to kick you in the groin when you’re down.

Poltergeist was NOT that bad, because it was practically the exact same damn movie. So really, there was no way for it to be garbage, because they remade a movie that was good. But it was almost as much of a waste of time as The Omen remake, because it offered absolutely nothing. Same shit, except now the static is on

I skipped out on Unity, so... ugh. Man, these games keep making me think “The Assassins are kind of terrible,” and this does nothing to disabuse me of that notion.