He meant to say vertically symmetrical, which means your pedantry is the most sought after type.
He meant to say vertically symmetrical, which means your pedantry is the most sought after type.
By the way, C is the only letter in YMCA that is not symmetrical, which makes it the trickiest letter of the bunch. Makes you think.
It also means he got drunk once and cheated on his wife.
I just shred mine in a crosscut shredder. If they want to wade through my shredded paper for the jigsaw of credit card pieces after it’s added to my trash, good luck to them. If I still worked for a company that had a burn bag, I would add it to that. I plan on moving to the country, so I may be getting a burn barrel…
It’s honestly emboldened white people in general (disclosure: white person, here).
I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way…
I cannot recommend the Ecobee3. I tried it and have several big reservations:
I cannot recommend the Ecobee3. I tried it and have several big reservations:
He needs the ego gratification of the large crowds.
The debate was spur of the moment, thinking on his feet with no time to apply a coating of bullshit to his viewpoints. Here he had time to prepare and cover the nastier parts of his views with the appropriate doublespeak.
Not a puppet! Not a puppet!
Thank you for reminding me of that clip in Genesis’s “Land of Confusion” video where the Spitting Image Reagan doll can’t tell the difference between the nuke button and the nurse button.
This Administration is so fucking ignorant in every way. If Obama or Hillary were conducting themselves in such an uninformed and deceitful manner every Republican in America would be calling for impeachment.
I understand why this was an upsetting experience, but tattoo artists refuse jobs all the time for all sorts of reasons. Many have a no necks, no hands policy - it’s quite common. And, as you discovered, what’s off-limits to one artist is totally okay with another - you were able to get exactly what you wanted in the…