
Full time property inspector here: HOAs are complete garbage, unless you’re in a townhouse or condo. They are 100% worthless for residential neighborhoods, and/or single family homes. They exist because 95% of homeowners want to exist within their own bubble, and don’t know how to confront, or talk to their neighbors.

65 Tons of American Pride!

(whip crack in the distance)

But what’s his most Infamous?

It has to be either Cool World, or End of Days. Ghost Ship doesn’t count because that movie is amazing.

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The only thing I hear anymore. Destroying our country...but hey as long as they get theirs, fuck everyone else.

2.5D Megaman? Sounds AWESOME. I hope we can interact with background items ala Shadow Complex.

The only thing I care about this walking garbage dump eating is a bullet.

I’m going to post something that some of you might find controversial:

1) McDonalds = Coca Cola - The stalwart. It knows exactly what it is, and how to keep the top tier.

2) Burger King = Pepsi - The perpetual First Place loser. Despite the name, this king will always be second best.

3) Wendy’s = RC Cola - Not trying to

Same. There is a large portion of the real estate industry that pulls their stock from the same horrid gene pool that breeds car salesmen.

Another 20 completely different than before you say? Fingers crossed.

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How, how do you make the comment and not at least post a GIF?!

I do really hope she lands on her feet, but vocals just ain’t her thing.

Came here to post the exact same thing. Rich Evans is a GD NATIONAL TREASURE.

They can play it off anyway they like, but that had all the classic signs of a TIA stroke.

I present the story of Jan:
We all know a Jan, we’ve seen here at Kroger, she’s put together, but just enough. She’s a real estate Broker, or the head of HR, or your kid’s teacher. In all her “let me talk to your manager” haired glory, she was probably relatively attractive 30 years ago. Having children, her husband

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Also in honor of your glorious user name:

Foot problem person - This is an issue because you don’t like her. She isn’t putting her feet in your food, or in your face, and you didn’t mention an odor, so my guess is you have pre-existing beef with said co-worker.

My suggestion - ignore the non-issue, and get back to work. This person affects you because you’re

Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis. He is sleaze personified.

It is a great Crypt Keeper costume! Also, I wouldn’t normally attack someone based on their looks, because I know it’s a petty, and shitty thing to do...but fuck her, she’s a terrible human being.

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You hit the nail on the head. This is so unbelievably relevant: