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Am I really the only one who immediately thought of F/X 2's clown fight scene?

To play Devil's Advocate, that's actually fairly common on true rock crawlers/mud buggies.

*slowly raises hand*

While I find it very odd that a shop that large wouldn't have some form of fire suppression system (other than just a fire extinguisher), hopefully something can be salvaged from this.

Even heard the sound in my head. Well played, good sir.

A 4-door Ty was offered in Europe made by a company called Geiger. They also offered V8 conversions as well as an amazingly horrible wood dash option.

To everyone below:

Holy Shit! The Pika-Bug!

There are other clips on YouTube, he only has them on for about the first 3 or 4 songs. Once he removes them, you can see that his eyes are sunken and sallow. It's sad and sickly amazing to think how strung out he probably was during this show.

If you're only having sex for an average of six minutes...

I don't get all the hate on these movies. They're popcorn plot movies with awesome cars. The most interesting thing is that if you go through them from the first to the last you can actually see the changes in popular build styles over the last 10 years (pro-touring, tuner, drift, street, etc.)

Had my fingers crossed...oh well, maybe the next one.

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G8 Spy Hunter commercial. Easily one of the best ones, ever.

She had better be careful, chapped lips from the cold is no laughing matter.

To anyone playing/has completed Industrial Revolution: What side did you choose in the end and what was the out come?

I had the same situation. Go back to Game Stop and bring your receipt. Have them reprint it, and it should have the access codes to Industrial Revolution.

Meat Log.