They should be ashamed. Beating up on a Kent State, meanwhile East Carolina is up 2 TDs on VA Tech, the team that punked the Buckeyes last week. Buncha hogwash. Baloney.
They should be ashamed. Beating up on a Kent State, meanwhile East Carolina is up 2 TDs on VA Tech, the team that punked the Buckeyes last week. Buncha hogwash. Baloney.
His career isn't over because of this. And even if it were something like 6 games, he's worth stashing on your bench. That's if you're trying to win your league's championship, not trying to win your league's "Most Moral" award.
Are people trying to drop him in protest or out of a sense of morality? He was the first pick in most leagues and he's going to miss a couple games at most. Why not just bench him? Dropping him is stupid.
Were the initial estimates really as high as 20,000 dead? I don't recall that detail.
Vick, Vilma, Hernandez, Rice... How many others have been removed from Madden? Seems like a small list. Who am I missing?
Obviously Roger Goodell, the NFL and the Ravens all fucked up here, but more anger and outrage needs to be directed at the prosecutors in the case. They had a slam dunk case on felony assault, and let him off with a misdemeanor. What the fuck.
I appreciate how you shortened "Corn Pops" to just "Pops". That's what I call them, too. But Special K sucks and its presence invalidates your entire list. Try again.
Wow. Reading this thread, my first thought was that you were just a tool. But then I read this comment where you're bragging about having geopolitical conversations with your hip, intellectual friends, and I realized you're not just a tool at all...
I see what he's trying to do. He thinks he can just stick a "Man" in there and avoid the two first names rule. I'm not buying it.
This might make me sound like a terrible person, but I'd much rather eat kiwi than be hit by a car. I actually like kiwi. A lot. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone by saying this.
I only come to this website to learn how far people can punt footballs. It's never occurred to me that people can throw footballs, too. #mindblown
Slowbro shouldn't even be a Pokemon. It's a Slowpoke that has a Shellder attached to it. Why haven't any Pokemon Professors written a paper challenging its classification as a Pokemon? Get on it, Oak.
Solid choices. I've always thought FDR and Biggie would hang together if they lived in the same era.
If you had to choose a Mount Rushmore of Franks, who do you put on it?
So you're saying there are idiots on Gawker blogs. I see what you mean now.
It's certainly the same trolls, but I'm not sure how screwing with every Gawker blog is supposed to rally people against Jezebel.
Of all his memorable roles, the Genie from Aladdin is far down the list, but that tweet hit me the hardest, too. RIP, Robin.
Appreciate the effort, but I'm allergic to dogs and this just makes everything much worse.
Please just ban on the spot for any 'provocation' or 'if this were the NFL...' jokes.