
If I knew they were a smart-assed punk kid named Shawn, I wouldn't brake or swerve. Read some more about how these cars run on dirt tracks.

You heard it first from a NASCAR fan, folks: the prosicuter's office is preparing an inditement.

That's a live broadcast and a judgement decision made as it's happening. This is cellphone camera footage uploaded after the fact. Yes, the video is gruesome and shows a young man being killed in brutal fashion. And this sounds callous, but it's also video evidence of a major news event in the sports world. I'm

A lot of news outlets showed the video. It was even on Sportscenter last night. If Deadspin refuses to show a video that's shared all over Facebook and Twitter, people will simply go elsewhere to see it. If it offends your sense of morality, don't watch it. But don't pretend like Deadspin is the bad guy for

What I've gathered from comments by people familiar with these sprint cars is that the right rear tire is not only much larger, but it spins faster than the others, so stepping on the accelerator causes the cars to drift right (turn left). Many of them are saying the only way he could have avoided a head-on collision

Refresh the page. He's been confirmed dead. May he rest in peace.

It's hard to tell... Is he swerving in an attempt to avoid him?

Holy shit.

What the hell... I'm watching the Browns-Lions game and there was an ad for Valu City Furniture projected onto to the field the same way they project down/distance and the yellow first down marker line. When did this shit start? Is this only a preseason thing? It made the picture all choppy and shitty when Leshoure

Sorry about that, I thought I was supposed to be rude to you because internet.

"I'm simply saying the actual definition of the phrase in the Merriam-Webster dictionary doesn't fit these situations, and there are more accurate terms to use."

also a repeated or habitual pattern of such behavior

What are you fools talking about? From Merriam-Webster:

After DC says he'd like to come into the room and spit in Jon's face, Jon gives a hard look toward what I assume to be the door, as if he's expecting DC to burst in. I don't care if this is real or fake, they're doing a hell of a job selling it and it is awesome.

I remember there being a line to play the display demo of Super Mario 64 at Target. An employee actually sat there to make sure each kid got a turn. I'm not sure if the N64 hadn't been released yet, or if most kids, like me, had to wait for Christmas to beg for one. But damn, I still remember vividly the first time

No one was shocked that Ray Rice hit his wife, but the outrage over his lenient punishment is warranted. Having said that, you're absolutely right... if OJ was as fast as he was in his prime, no one would have cared that he stabbed two people to death. You right, bro.

If you honestly believe all the games are fixed, why are you a fan of sports and why do you read Deadspin? Do you follow these fixed sports in the same way people people follow pro wrestling?

I don't know which troll you're speaking of, maybe his posts have already been removed? But even without reading it, I think you may be overthinking his motivation. It's very likely he's not an MRA at all, and his only agenda is to upset people by... trolling.

Don't tell us what we can and cannot wrap our bacon around, commie.