I've gotten this a few times: "LeBron AND Johnny Football?!? How great is this?" As if they are somehow on the same level in their respective sports and Cleveland is now the place to be.
I've gotten this a few times: "LeBron AND Johnny Football?!? How great is this?" As if they are somehow on the same level in their respective sports and Cleveland is now the place to be.
Well, shit. It's way too late to edit out the part where I said the popcorn movie goes to the production company ...
Megan Fox speaks to fans like this and expects people to show up for this movie? Fuck that. After hearing how she treats TMNT fans, there's no chance I'm going to pay $30 for tickets and be gouged for another $25 on popcorn and drinks. Mostly because I'm going to see it alone, at matinee price on Free Popcorn…
I agree. I don't even bother clicking the "All Replies" button because Sean Newell is such a dick.
So does Cleveland.
"Damn right, dickhouse."
That's the account someone took over.
Cheney is busy overseeing the construction of the Death Star and spends most of his free time practicing his scowl.
Ahh.. I see you've played Scully / Screwy before. Nicely done.
Just checking to see if I'm following this correctly... Your handle is "RIP DJ SCREW" and you believe Vin Scully is overrated? Am I right so far?
Kinja needs a sorting option like Disqus. Best/Newest/Oldest. If you're an hour or two late to a popular article, no one is going to read your comment, as it's buried amongst hundreds. Sort by newest and you can read the buried.
Kinja needs a sorting option like Disqus. Best/Newest/Oldest. If you're an hour or two late to a popular article, no one is going to read your comment, as it's buried amongst hundreds. Sort by newest and you can read the buried.
Kinja needs a sorting option like Disqus. Best/Newest/Oldest. If you're an hour or two late to a popular article, no one is going to read your comment, as it's buried amongst hundreds. Sort by newest and you can read the buried.
Must be a BBWA frame job.
Last year the Plain Dealer received a ton of backslash for using male pronouns in a report on a transgender woman's murder. I can see how the reporter made the mistake, as he was going directly off the police report and the police had her listed as male. But he stepped in even more shit when he was called on it and…
Germany had the choice and they chose their home whites, so Argentina couldn't use their home kits, as I understand it.
I had something I wanted to say, but you were so late putting up this open thread that I've already forgotten. It was probably really stupid anyway.
Why was there no open thread for this match? Weekend Deadspin is lazy Deadspin.