
The parent company that owns Carl's Jr. bought Hardee's and replaced all the food with the exact same food that Carl's Jr. serves. As I understand, it's the same restaurant, just called Carl's Jr. out West and Hardee's in the Midwest/East. So I'm not sure why they have a separate ranking. Do Hardee's employees

"I'm overwhelmed by these reactions! It feels like the entire country is cheering about LeBron and I returning home."

It's easy to understand how they are intertwined, and you explained it well. They borrow tips, shortcuts, and glitches from one another. But it's also very easy to understand why people don't get what you're saying and why they'll always see manual speed runs as requiring more skill than TAS — because manual speed

Bill Simmons: [fixed on his notes, searching for a way to further embarrass himself]

Their official school logo is "KU". Edit: logo is probably not the right word, but they use a "KU" script in official school signage, markings, headings and banners, etc.

It might be because Cameron passes the ball to the other team right in front of our net.

I only watched the whole thing because I thought he was lying about there not being something funny at the end. I could have just skipped ahead to find out, but I thought it would be rewarding to wait for it. It was not.

Nah, you're just a hateful troll. You have no sense of humor, and I'm not sure you even know what 'incessant' means. Hey, was this a funny comment? http://gawker.com/hmmm-i-see-som…

I take it from your biting remark that you're Uruguayan and have been offended by my comment. I sincerely apologize.

Jaws is dead, bro. Too soon.

That's stupid. Peyton can't bite people. He never takes his helmet off.

I'm not a huge fan of these new Uruguayan kits. The color scheme doesn't even match their flag.

Since when have Americans needed an excuse to get shit-faced?

Goddam is his face jacked up. He looks like he's just been at a party with Hope and Jerramy Stevens.

She's probably going to say "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"

Hahahaha! You stupid underaged Japanese anime children! Haha! You now feel the wrath of CNN International in all its might and in all its stupid fucking tweets about you... Yes, you... you fictitious Japanese cartoon child... You will choke on smothering coverage and scolding hot takes about how unappreciated you

It's good that Jolie Kerr will be there to clean up, because Tom Ley is a human shitstain. No offense.

We should take care to preserve this discussion so that future civilizations can understand the internet.

"...jettisoning Beef O'Brady's..."

We fired up the grill and had some family over yesterday. We turned this game on sometime during the 5th and had it on mute, so we had no idea what was going on with the foul ball. But STO kept cutting to these kids wandering around the upper deck. Here's a chat transcription: