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Here's the clip of when Howard had the guy on his on show after it happened. How he managed to get through to Peter Jennings is a pretty funny story.

you bring up a really good point here: what the fuck is a mule deer?

I was going to complain that you didn't give a skip time to see Gwynn and Williams, but I started watching from the start and it was well worth it. I remember watching this as it happened, and this time I cried a little. The part with Gwynn and Williams is excellent, but I started crying after they announced the AL

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Ian Darke on Tim Howard: "He is determined. They. Shall. Not. Pass."

Wow. Watching Altidore being carted off the field killed all the feel-good of that quick goal.

Hakan Sukur of Turkey scored in 11 seconds against South Korea in the 2002 World Cup. That seems like one of those records that will never be broken.

All they did was take a viral YouTube prank and have him do it in their car. This is not original or creative at all.

The call on Colombia's third goal is incredible. That is all.

What's with those skates she's wearing? I think that's the main problem here.

If I wanted to teach someone about sport, I'd show them clips of shoot-outs. The very essence of sport, one on one, Manu e Manu.

I don't understand why there wasn't a shootout. 2 OT periods is ridiculous. Let's see what they can do 1v1 against a fully padded-up goaltender. That's sports.

I usually tell people: "I'm expecting... to be long gone by the time this chick has this kid! LOL!"

I did notice he rode him away from the rail. Everyone watching saw that. I thought it was because he was stuck behind the horse in front and was looking for room to make a break on the outside. But no, I don't ride or even follow horse-racing closely at all. I only watch the Triple Crown races. So, if you have

Could you speak up, please? It's very difficult to understand what you're saying.

It's as unfair as playing basketball against a kid in a wheelchair? What the hell? That's the stupidest analogy I've ever heard. Kids playing basketball in wheelchairs never have to worry about leg cramps.

Is the three weeks between the Preakness and Belmont really not enough time for a horse to rest and recover? It seems like it should be, but I really don't know.

I stopped seeing your comments and just assumed you had died. It's good to see that Raysism is alive and well here on deadspin.

So, you're nitpicking on the grounds of semantics, because... Why? Do you start pointless arguments on the internet just to kill time, or what? Are you bored? It was clear that by 'not a pro team' I meant that they are a minor league team. Not that they are amateurs. Yes, they play hockey for a living. They are