
The use of the word beard dropped off severely in the nineties, Quick! Bring it back!

This makes me want Diablo 2 and Sim City for iphone/pad. Imagining the potential awesomeness is too much for me to handle.

@Frank: With a little googling and a look at my brother's ps3 slim I can confirm it's possible without voiding the warranty :). I had a 40gig that broke too, now I'm still trying to decide whether to replace it with a slim or an original 60gig, same price.

First one on xda to get this ported to the evo with working front cam, 4G, and hdmi will get a beer from me without hesitation

@Forelli_Boy: Can you upgrade the slim hard drives without voiding the warranty?

@JesusDeSaad: You just echoed my thoughts about this, to the word. +10 internets and a heart for you sir

@The Lab: I was looking for the first drive, which was much more positive, but I could only find that in a pinch. Rebranded or not, Buick now has cars that are worth buying for the first time since the Grand National

@The Lab: Well rebadged car or not it's a step in the right direction. I was looking for the first drive which gave a very positive review of the car, but alas only found that. Don't forgot that the company once made the Grand National!

It would appear that (part) live action trailers have become the new black. I approve of this, hard, and I don't give a damn if you feel my approval is needed or not!

"Why would Valve be flying down to New Zealand to visit Weta?" not to make Episode 3, so I don't care

@deafblindmute: Washington Washing-ton, Six-foot Twenty fucking killing for fun. Sorry you just made me go and watch that again

Just got my battlefield play4free beta key! Hopefully it's more like bf2 than bad company.

@Reldaw: I pointed that out in a post awhile back. I laughed my ass off when I played that

@Rushock: I predict that 3 things will happen before that comes true. World of Starcraft will be released, Diablo 4 will be out, and hell will begin freezing over XD

@waclark57: It's been done in minute ways. There's a quest at the entrance to hillsbrad foothills where you have to hand out quests to npc's who all say snobby, stereotypical things about the quests and asking why they don't have to "go pick some rare wildflowers", or "slaughter 12 animals out in the woods". I

No premium, regular Miata? No CTS-V? SACRILEGE. I can't wait to buy this game!

Tell that to my hd-dvd's :(.

Reminds me of Gattaca. What a grim future that movie paints.