
@Fernando Jorge: I can't speak for bioshock 2 to but as for bioshock 1. The pc and 360 versions are essentially identical (there's even native 360 controller support for pc), the only difference being that if you have a good computer (which had to be a monster at the time of its release) you get some more eye candy

@deuxhero: I thought it was overall pretty decent. I just wish more people played it online :/

Forget antimatter, element zero is the way to go!

This is one of those things that make you wonder, why haven't pc makers done this already?

Where's Jack Thompson? I would've thought he'd be chiming in already....again

@fivewall: I share your exact same view and conundrum. I settled it by voting libertarian. Less government and more freedom without all the republican douchebaginess and idiocy. If they could just get elected.......:(

I can only see this being useful in non-party game situations if it supplements the controller in existing games. Imagine playing a first person shooter with a controller but to throw a grenade you make a quick throwing motion with your right hand. It frees up a button and adds an extra level of immersion. Note

Has anyone else found the CNN title for this absolutely hilarious?

The Left 4 Dead franchise is great and all, but.....WHERE IS EPISODE III? The whole point of splitting HL3 up into episodes was so that they could release one every year right? Well it's been 3 years since Episode 2 was released and I'm getting PISSED. Sorry. /rant

Discrete graphics or GTFO

Whilst I love my iPad, my new htc evo has won my heart over to android. When owning a hero and a moment, I longed for an iPhone, but once I witnessed 2.1 running on actual top-notch hardware, it was lust at first touch.

give me rogue squadron 2 or give me death!

@Draco_2k: What the hell is your problem? I'm getting 30-40 fps with max DX9 settings on a bootcamped Macbook Pro with a 9600m GT. It looks much better than the 360 Bioshock. Your computer should destroy Bioshock. And for your information the PC version of Bioshock was not a port, it was built from the ground up

Vote: Tweetie

The 3A "racing exhaust" equipped with power boosting carbon fiber wrap and flame decal on my 03 Neon is supported by pink wire clothes hangers. They've held solid for 3500 miles. I will follow this with pictures.

If more people drove stick this problem could be averted.

So people in high humidity areas are still screwed huh?

That is one excellent driver. When he gets out of prison he may have a future.

@alowishus: Instant <3 click. you're not the only one. I still mourn the loss of mine every day by crying and reading the pages of its manual that I still have close to my bed =/. Such a good car to me. I need another one now.