
No one has posted SWTOR's "Ship Droid" announcement? I couldn't stop laughing [www.swtor.com]

Barely restraining myself from entering a fit of rage I have made my decision to pre order BF3 in disc form. I was looking forward to owning it on Steam, as most of my current pc game collection resides there, but at least I'll have a shiny case to put on my bookshelf :/. On a side note I wish I would've bought

Shouldn't that be a case of Dos Equis?

Am I the only one who got jazzed for the FT-86 until it was revealed it was getting a Scion badge? I was looking forward to this as being a car that could make Toyota an attractive brand again. Giving a motoring purist/enthusiast with an appreciation Toyota build quality/reliability, and a hatred of beige an option

I think Ferrari is/should be worried about losing Top Gear more than Top Gear is worried about losing Ferrari. Case and point, the recent episode where Jezza and James made shirts and coffee mugs depicting flaming 458's. Nothing's happened since then that I know of

Just read part 3 and it led me to discover the existence of the High Plains Raceway and the fact that it's 45 minutes from my house. Thank you!!!

Downloading now, and I can't wait. Before I'm flamed let me say this. I will buy it if it's good, I will uninstall it immediately if it's not. Most of my pc games I torrent before I buy them. Did it for cod2 and 4, FEAR, oblivion, fallout3, mass effect 1 & 2, Crysis 1, and Bad Company 2. I enjoyed the couple

While the idea of an affordable BMW roadster excites me, the fact that it will probably be fwd is a total put-off. I love BMW, and I'd like my next car to be one, but if it's going to be fwd I'm going to stick with VW.

@BoxOfScraps: Those parts of the game had their downsides to be sure, but Bad Company 1 & 2 just didn't feel like complete Battlefield games without them. I dunno we'll see, either way I can't wait to play bf3

@BoxOfScraps: Well I'd like to see prone and jets put back with some refinement and balancing. I'd like to see a way to go prone which gets rid of instantaneous "dolphin diving" as it was in BF2 it was terrible. I also think they could gimp the jet a bit like they did with the helo cannon in BC2 (maybe make it 2

@dsi1: I should've put more thought into that statement. What I should've said was that I'd love to see all the BF2 game mechanics make a return on the Frostbite engine. 64 player maps with 5+ cp's, the commander, jets, and the squad system with squad leader were all things I missed incredibly in BC2. And I can't

@Murdats: you are aware that a 4" long phillips head can be even deadlier than a 2-3" pocket knife aren't you?

I don't even care if this is just a BF2 rehash. I don't care if this is BC2 with jets and 64 players. Give me back prone, and the commander system and I will be satisfied. If I shelled out for 2142 you can bet your ass I am going to buy this game!

@dsi1: I on the other hand, am hoping for BF2 with Frostbite. I miss it so much :(

@coffinmouth: I think they recently nixed all of the low-end C2Q's and replaced them all with the Q8300. I'm in the same situation as you are, got a GTX-260, but it's stuck with a C2D :(. Changing cpu socket standards are the #1 pain when it comes to upgrading imo.

@coffinmouth: How do you figure they cost the same? Here's the Core 2 Quad I was thinkin of buying for this ([www.newegg.com] and here's the cheapest i7 Newegg stocks at twice the price ([www.newegg.com] I'm either going to grab the core 2 or go with a phenom II and mobo, intel's price/performance ratio has become