
There's something incredibly satisfying about the rumble of starting a VR6. Second only to the General's pushrod v8's IMO

I'm glad to see KZ: Liberation getting some love here. I don't see it mentioned too often. The singleplayer was great, and the multiplayer (adhoc and the added internet) was absolutely fantastic if you got into a lag free game.

@wkiernan: Oh my god that corner is a nightmare. Out of all the cities I've lived in Tampa was by far the worst for driving.

@Jeff Sine: I want to like Hondas and their owners, I really do. But I see some example of total idiocy on the web (this, M3civistang mutant, or the guy who warmed his nos tanks with a blow torch before racing an atv come to mind) and in real life on a regular enough basis to constantly renew the stereotype of Honda

I was set on the 3DS thinking that sony would find a way to screw this up, but everything I've seen looks incredible, and I might get this instead. Regarding 3G vs. Wifi models once I rooted my Evo I decided that it'd be pointless to buy another 3g/4g device. While it is slightly inconvenient I'll take my tethered

@Coulter: Didn't realize it was private, should have read better, my apologies to you and everyone else.

@Jim Edwards: This discovery deserves a promote! If I could do that :(

The government should be banned from buying Apple products for public use, or making people by them. The reason for this being they always over-estimate their usefulness. Every computer in my local library is an iMac, every staff computer and all 40+ for book lookups, and public internet access etc. Why would I

DO NOT WANT. Crack pipe......for many reasons. In this case it's not just for wanting that kind of money for this car, but for doing this to this car in the first place. Taking the the visage of my most coveted of dream cars and putting it on a fucking civic. This car should be confiscated and stuffed into the

Gran Turismo 5

I'm still really upset that I never got to fly in one :(

@Darrisbob1: Say what you will about my admittedly unnecessary meme usage, but my opinion on the CoD's stands.

@Darrisbob1: Yo Black Ops, I'm happy for ya, and I'mma let you finish, but Call of Duty 2 was the best Call of Duty of all time!

"What makes a game a game of the year?" Hint: Not Black Ops. When I played it for the first time I literally said "so what's changed since CoD 4?" aside from more banana stickers being handed to you in the multiplayer, literally nothing, not even the graphics in any largely noticeable way. I'm sorry but

Anyone else ever get Raul Julie confused with a young Christopher Lloyd (think One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest). No? I guess I'm just dumb

@James Glickenhaus: That car makes the most incredible backfire noise I have ever heard, and may ever hear.

In case anyone was wondering nearly every store in the Denver area has xbox's in stock. That is all

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I've noticed that no one pointed out the m16, which in the 60's was a fully automatic rifle and not the three round burst model (A2) which appeared in the 1980's? It really bothered me the first time I played BO and was pleased vietnam got it right

@m1ndtr1p: I share your opinions, to a point, and the character of your avatar apparently.