
It’s tricky since the amount of energy required to remove the water from paper pulp is rather high and that energy is likely to come from petroleum or natural gas sources.

Former Navy nuke here. As Skyfire77 suggested, this engine is almost certainly a high-temperature air-cooled core that propels itself by heating air and expelling it out the back. Part of the reason the US stopped development of these things is that the necessary temperatures are so high that very few materials are

Even 5 years ago this would be a huge worldwide headline right? We're so Trump'd out at this point nothing else moves the needle

Dear God,

Wright claims he can’t decrypt the bitcoin file until he obtains a key that will be delivered by a bonded courier at the beginning of 2020.

Operator (extending right arm up and out) “You must be this tall to ride.”

Worked for one of their competitors, can confirm.

“Matt Damon” -Matt Damon

Could be worse. Imagine if Christopher Lloyd’s pronunciation of gigawatt became commonplace for all uses of the giga- prefix.

Accuse your enemies of doing that which you do.”

But does it fire 50% more bullet per bullet?

Oh, man. I want to sneak up behind this thing and then clumsily walk into it until it falls over SO BAD.

Could she have done better than her role as Quora? Hard to say.

If you were a real car guy you would know the battery is in the trunk. 2 any car with a properly attached battery cable you are not just going to pull off. 

Team cleansing fire.

I’m thinking they might claim that the driver created what they believed to be an unsafe situation as reason for walking away.

It is impossible to feel inferior to a city that gave us both the Leafs and the Ford family.