
My favourite movie, even moreso than Alien because the fear is, it could be anyone you know.

I'm probably in the very small minority here, but I am completely over waiting for this book. I think the show has answered most of the non red herring answers sufficiently, and I don't know that I can put myself through 1200 pages to figure out whatever answers George is hiding in there.

Because when you want hard-hitting perspective about how the world really works, you go to a 24 year old blond who's putting together an audition reel for a sweet FoxNews gig.

“I’m strapped in for the good shit, Tomi. Fuck me up.”

(Given that she’s a hot blonde white chick from the heartland who went to college in Vegas, there’s a pretty decent chance that that video already exists in the wild)

Presumably because most of your information comes from iO9 coverage, rather than the real world. Hasbro has never had a problem with female representation in their Star Wars line.

Since Hasbro largely relegated the classic 4 inch figures to 5 points of articulation (excluding the Wal-Mart exclusive super articulated figures, but ugh), I’ve been sticking with the six inch figures. But that Micro Machines Death Star looks pretty neat!

If nothing else, the end of Gawker gives another stock line to individual morons who NEED NEED NEED to complain about the existence of some post that doesn’t meet their inscrutable definition of what belongs on the other blogs.

Fuck that, the rights to Deadpool need to go to Ryan Reynolds.

Fox is so stupid. Ryan Reynolds is the biggest reason they are going to have another insanely profitable movie. I only wish the rights to Deadpool movies went back to Marvel so he could be in Spider-Man, and further Avengers movies.

Ok you know what, I can count the number of people on one hand that I’ve ever called a cunt in my entire life, it’s not a word I use lightly.

Lucky you. I’ve been here for years and I’m still waiting to be ungreyed.

Forced un-paid overtime? Threatened with termination if you dont? Being potentially black listed in an industry where, inexplicably, everyone knows everyone? Please do go on...

Billy really is doing God’s work. #MakeAmericaBrannigan

Very good point. “Brand new character is black person shocker!” shouldn’t be a headline in 2016.

That’s not a twist. It’s a casting decision for a new character. A twist might have been recasting the old character with an African-American woman.

It’s being made by the Chinese. Are we really getting butthurt that the Chinese are ‘whitewashing’ their own films?

You’re going to forbid chinese to cast non-asian actors in their own movies? Because what? They’re not capable of deciding for themselves and need a westerner to save them? White messiah complex much? ;)

Boycott covering the Sports event that shall not be named!!!

I’m probably one of the few that still likes the first one unironically with all its flaws, so a new one, a good new one makes me really happy.

The ultimate Villainsue! Can’t wait to see him! Also he is getting a book.