
The edgy cynicism in most of these comments is so sharp I might cut myself.

And while the Cloverfield monster isn’t in this movie, there’s a new monster and there’s something else that happens, but I don’t want to ruin the ending.

Wolverine 3

How does this movie keep getting left of these type of lists?

Please tell me I’m not the only person who immediately thought of this.

Right there with you.

What’s even more frustrating is I’m not sure what we (‘we’ being the general public who exhibits basic human empathy) can do. Sony’s already had their reputation dragged through the mud and then some.

For them to do something this disgusting and public, it’s like they don’t care at all about the backlash it will cause.

What Hollywood needs to do is make a sequel to this movie so we know what that charging through the forest at the end is.

I should mention that in Sam’s death does occur in The Walking Dead comic, and is pretty close to what happens on-screen. However, in the comic Sam starts freaking out and crying for his mother, which is what attracts the zombies to him and the others.

Maybe I’m just projecting off warped expectations, but that is by far the best acting I’ve ever seen from her. Well done.

After listening to her podcast, I completely agree. She’s even funnier when the FCC doesn’t have to be involved.

Still a better deal than the table he used at Porcini got.

Somewhere, a former University of Tennessee trainer named Jamie is enjoying the heck out of this.

I don’t believe O.J. did—I think it was his son. The kid’s alibi doesn’t hold up, he had a history of violence, suffered from mental illness, and was mad at Nicole Brown Simpson for not coming to his restaurant when she said she would. He also kept a large set of knives with him (for cooking) in his car.

Or not.

Totally get what you’re saying. I thought I’d miss Steve Rogers as Cap more, but Spencer’s version with Sam Wilson has been great.

Also, I really like Rogers in his new role as a commander behind the scenes who occasionally goes out into the field.

Reaction before reading: Pssshh...right...of course you had a better idea.

Reaction after reading:

Still not the best work he’s done responding to critics.

Ever sat next to someone eating a bag of Doritos? It actually works

Damn it, Hasbro. How am I supposed to complain about SJWs overreacting to things when you do legitimately stupid/asinine shit like this?

How the hell did 2008’s ‘21’ not make it on the list?