Ramblin Rover - The Vivisector of Solihull

A late addition, mostly for Raph's "cutest offroader" interests: the Crosley Farm-O-Road.

Grumble grumble just like the dirty Pennsylvanians grumble grumble.

Inb4 "so better or worse than Westmoreland Golfs, then"?

< Terminator Voice >

It does have a comically narrow track and difficult to access front wheels, as you can see here.

I can't believe I forgot to post this. Very much so. Also, as Emmet Kelly owned one, it's legitimately a clown car.

.Mileage. is correct, Olds. '46ish, according to this forum thread:

Indeed v.2


Not sure it's cute in the traditional sense, but have a Stout Scarab.

Impossible to have a full size van that's cute? Nuts to that, have a Standard Atlas.

The Standard Ensign is one of the cuter full-size cars.

That's an aero-bodied Sprite, whose name escapes me at the moment.

While I'm posting Crosleys: a '47 Crosley Convertible. All the "This Is Mah Serious Face" quality of a pre-war Buick, but none of the dignity.

'49 Crosley HotShot. Like the Sprite, but more cracked and American.

I like the Meadows Frisky Friskysport.

The early Steyr-Puch Haflinger isn't cute at all, but the second gen makes up for it.

I can't keep my rangies straight, of course. Ash's situation was what I was expecting possible air-spring death shenanigans to play into, but bent rods would make a lot of sense too. Of course, I have no normal baseline for "sketchy at high speed", having done a lot of straight-axle 80's 4wd GMC Suburban driving and

Just as long as the video game doesn't hit the track with him. We're all aware just how much video games cheat. I can see rubber-band AI being a real problem in the F1 driving of the future. How much AI is enough? Is an inhuman level of driving skill and weapons use in any way acceptable? Then again, how will we know