Ramblin Rover - The Vivisector of Solihull

The post (3 years ago - this is quite an old one) was made jokingly, as might be guessed by the presence of the world “clearly”. He was saying that less ostentatious wheels would make it a sleeper, and I was alleging (facetiously) that the actual best way to make a sleeper was *another kind* of ostentatious wheels,

Provided by yours truly, but they did look nice. A pair of mid'60's short wheelbase, one mine, one my cousin's.

Curse my broken phone. No 42 Army Jeep, no 49 Jeepster and no Land Rovers for you. At least not immediately.

No references to the Monty Python defense against fresh fruit sketch? I mean, "Then, you EAT the banana! Thus disarming him!"

Axel-Ripper's suggestion of hammer+salt is probably on the money. If you have choice of hammer, go for one with a shallow angle pry end so you can crack it with that. If temps are too low for just salt, cracking the ice a bit and using hot salt slurry on the cracks should work. Just take salt, add enough water to make

My current plan for the ute involves Jag rear suspension, an aluminum four-speed and a 4.2 Rover V-8 with two sets Honda CBR600 ITBs. No heavier an engine than stock, and should get well north of 200hp. Planning on moving the engine back a solid 7"-8" as well. Off the line and around bends, it should be a riot.

You should post in Oppo again. I will not hear any excuses on this point. I only noticed you'd posted this because I had a FalconHoon nostalgia attack looking at oz falcons.

"Simplify, add rednecks."

I was away from the computer in specific and the front page in general. Now I'm not.

"Why, with your name being Mini, I never would have guessed..."

Frankly, my steer, I don't spliff a gram.

... which is another important piece of the puzzle. Somebody who had a VW-compatible wheel lying around, and has already grabbed parts: likely someone who has one or more VWs or otherwise at a minimum brokers parts.

Nothing so odd about that. It's the CMC (Chevarian Motor Company) C1002.

Oh, like you've never eaten things that made you see into parallel universes. I bet you don't have even a single Marianne Hitler album, buncha' squares.

Nicht ausgezeichnet.

Interesting, but dull enough performance you'd get DeepVeinTomaso by sitting in it and die. I mean, it'd be easy enough to GLH the guts of, but then even more of the (already fleeting) uniqueness would be gone, and at that point what *is* the point?


The image is just a prop to the joke. Hitler, lurking, possibly "Hitlurk", to imply what some other words that sound like "Juke" are.

Hitlurk hates the Jukes. All of them.

So what you're saying is that the ultimate cheap tire destruction faceoff is that vs. whatever old iron can be found on Craigslist?

I'll admit the laser's got be worse for understeer. They're known for wanting to go in a straight line. Straight line speed, though: 671 million mph. The TrackSTer can't even be close.