There's also the fact that it's a kids' study. Isn't all IQ testing done on the adult scale? The role of lead in impeding mental development regardless of final outcome is worth interest too.
Let me be the first to say: Fine Corinthian Leather.
'We are making a two door version of the four door car that was the basis of the two door car that became a four door car. It is part of the same philosophy that caused us to badge a 3-series with a 2-litre engine as a 328i. As you Britische would say, we are fucking with you.’
Sniff Petrol is a humor site. High-quality photoshops not required.
"The variant of choice for everywhere from the dust of the Middle East to the Day-Glo-green grass of suburban America."
So all this time, Hollywood were just trying to act as a filter for the supernatural Epic Force and distribute it slowly and in a controlled manner? And they've failed? There's a rift into the Epic Dimension?
Shanty: Tale of the Florida Tesla
Here's a three-Allison-powered tractor, for your amusement.
I endorse this.
Appearance-wise, Audi's aesthetic leaves me more "eh" than it probably should. I think it suffers from an over-similarity between models and similar kind of "constant refresh of that one design", but not to the same extent GM/Chevy trucks do. However, it's still sleek and competent, usually.
See, now, I will make almost any number of excuses for a look I like Also, it's a fairly fresh look for Ford overall and not consciously aping everything since the 80s.
Oh, I see. Good to know.
This was my introduction to the Kaiser Chiefs, and bears very little resemblance to OK Go at all.
I'll say the same thing here I did on the reveal pic: the new Silverado is Derek ZooGM's all-new Blue Steel look, which suspiciously resembles all its other looks to the point one might just be imagining any real difference.