
So I guess after a year or two of flirting with being decent people, you all have decided to go full on regressive huh? More hits? Better contrast with a certain up and coming gaming site?

The biggest, most profitable, most successful, most influential, most long lasting MMOs have been themeparks. With the possible exception of EVE, all the sandboxes have failed. And yet there's this contingent of sandbox fans who continue to insist that sandboxes and only sandboxes will fix everything, in spite of

People don't like to admit this, but that gear/level treadmill is super addictive. Same sort of psychological stuff going on as in gambling addiction. It keeps people playing extraordinarily well... but also makes it hard for people who can't or won't play just one game extensively (like for example, game reviewers

Racism and sexism and the motivation behind them are the same- to maintain your power and the associated benefits of that power over others, be it as a race or a gender.

Men aren't just "fascinated" by women's body parts. They're taught, in large part through objectification like this game's, that women's bodies exist just for men, that men are entitled to look, to touch, to use, and that's all women are good for. Sexism causes real harm to humans, just like racism.

Censorship is something authorities and those in power do. Criticism, especially by an individual with no authority or power over the matter, is not censorship.

Once again, this game had a predecessor. It was from some of the same people. It was not horrible and sexist. It was actually really awesome and featured a strong, non-grotesque, not objectified, fully clothed, rebellious fighting princess similar to Merida or Arya.

The preceding game had "artsy" character design without resorting to gross sexism. Being art doesn't stop it from being sexist, anymore than being art doesn't stop blackface from being racist.

Just to be clear, I wasn't actually saying "I have a Black friend." I was mocking all of the dudes saying this game's depiction of women is OK and they're not sexist because they're married or engaged or have a girlfriend who is going to play it.

I have a Black friend.

Have you played Princess Crown? We went from a fully clothed, not at all sexualized, ass kicking, rebellious princess in the Merida or Arya mold as our hero, to this garbage. The idea that this game couldn't be done without the misogyny because of the Fantasy genre it belongs to is crap. It's not only been done

Yep. I'm not a big 3d, bloody, shooter, FPS kind of gamer. I love games like this. I loved Princess Crown. And I was looking forward to this game. The fact that the art went in a horribly disgusting direction halfway through development means I won't be playing it though.

Not noticing, or being bothered by hideous displays of sexism and misogyny is shocking. If this were racism, or homophobia, or religious bigotry on display in such a manner, would you just gloss over it with a single "Doesn't bother me." line at the end of a review?

If you don't think portraying women as nothing more than tits and ass and widely spread legs for men's enjoyment isn't dehumanizing, you should really think a lot harder about this.

The women's bodies in this game aren't mere exaggerations, any more than giant hook-nosed Jews and monkey-lipped Sambo-like depictions of Black people are mere exaggerations. Dudes who don't get why this is a problem need to stop and think about it some more.

Pop tarts not only don't have lard in them, they're vegetarian, and the unfrosted ones are vegan.

Not to put too fine a point on this, but there are tens of millions of Americans living in that world every day. It's not impossible to live that way, it's horrible, and very much real.