They won’t take deposits, but their entire fundraising strategy has been crowdfunding? What are they offering their “investors” in return for their money?
They won’t take deposits, but their entire fundraising strategy has been crowdfunding? What are they offering their “investors” in return for their money?
Also a scientologist.
The man overcame slavery and blindness. I’m sure he can handle a bunch of idiots on Twitter.
The older I get, the more I find the Civil War to be the worst mistake in American history. The South should have been expelled from the union after the war, with every free black being offered free passage and housing in the United States.
Becky is being replaced as manager by Sarah Chalke.
I think that I am safe to assume since they are using the Atlantic name that the car has a cast magnesium body. So glad that is finally making a come back in car making.
20 Years ago I would drink IPAs and ESBs. An average IPA now is hoppier than ESB used to be. This hops arms race has gone too far.
God damn, Ford, can we move away from micro USB already?
The technology is not sufficiently advanced to compete with conventional cars yet. They are getting closer to reaching that point, but there’s still a lot of engineering and research to be done. The tax credit helps fund that.
There’s a new power roof option.
I’ve heard of these. It’s a homing falcon.
Yet, historically, it can always be beaten by the Eli Manning Edition.
no, but trumpito likely imagines it on the regular.
It was the “they won’t let me buy it here” allure.
I really wish people would stop denigrating the Joker like this. The Joker is: highly intelligent, well dressed, thin, and often quite eloquent. Also if we’re talking Dark Knight, Joker’s also smart enough to ditch the sleazy Russian gangster.
Better add a little hand sanitiser to the wound as well. Just to make sure it doesn’t get infected.
I’d be laughing more if I weren’t among the 30 percent (also, the fact that being in a red state doesn’t mean you necessarily voted for the asshole), but there still is a bit of schadenfreude.
not defending them. just an observation.