
1. I imagine Cruise is a workaholic, so I have no idea if he legit likes Coldplay and gets enjoyment out of them, or if this amounted to a business trip for him. Everything I have heard about his working persona (i.e. setting aside his personal beliefs for a minute) is that he is very intense but also very generous. I

Love this movie. I remember I couldn’t wait to introduce my kids to this! Showed them South Park episodes when they were preteens and dropped THIS on them a couple of years later. They were shocked and there were parts they were laughing along with us. Unfortunately, we had to explain how Saddam fit into all this. 

where babies burp and flowers bloom

Fun fact thing: “Up there” is the only musical number in the movie without any naughty words/language whatsoever, and it is very positive and uplifting, yet “Blame Canada” was the one which was nominated for best song or whatever at the Oscars, and they had to re-write it because of the swearing, because “Up There” is

You forgot his signature move

I’ll probably never be in a throuple, because I’m not bisexual enough to share a bed with a guy and I’m not enough of an asshole to ask my girlfriend about other girls, and as such I find these movies and this article glorifying them to be shockingly offensive

Now playing

Meh, Armstrong & Miller were the real pioneers here.


Amazon, that’s your current store too.  Minus the discount that is.

So all that crap will come to you even quicker so it can break and be landfilled!

I doubt it will play out this way, but it would be great if they would put all their all-caps alphabet soup Chinese drop ship brands on this other platform.

They said this show cost $180M...it does not look like it with the set pieces that is for sure. Where did this money go? Someone said earlier it does have SyFy quality.

I was thinking the same thing!  It’s twin switcheroo week!

Did it seem weird to anyone else that this Stranger exhibited powers that seemed beyond Vader’s? Force blasting more than a half-dozen Jedi... engaging in lightsaber battles with multiple knights... (Maul was barely able to handle two at once)... it seemed a bit over the top.

Back in the day, ‘Cortosis’ metal or weave did exactly that. Presumably before Luke bapped Vader in the shoulder, parts of his armor were supposed to have been made of it.  It appears again in the old Star Wars: Dark Forces videogame, where Dark Troopers were meant to have been armor plated with it. 

I don’t know who did the choreography and editing for the fights but it was great. Really felt the physicality of some of those hits.

They built the Mae character with two motivations.

that rare feeling in a SW show where you don’t know what’s going to happen next. Bring on next week!

I agree that she’s definitely not in it for power— and I’ve got my fingers crossed that it is the true long game/take out Homelander/save the world like you said.