
I can see how Ahsoka’s story in Jedi was like what you mentioned for Morgan here; we knew where it was going, and while I enjoyed Ahsoka’s, it didn’t really bring anything new to her.

Yes and no... Execs are definitely overpaid for their value as far as I’m concerned. I mean some of them I could hire multiple hundreds of people with the same resources. So it’s often very logically silly to me.

Large enterprises are supported largely by the top 10% of staff. You just need to hold onto those. As long as you are firing the right underperforming employees, layoffs are great for a companies bottom line in the long term. Capitalism is close to destroying the ability to work for high paying jobs for a significant

I know high school students who are more well spoken then Elmo. “Hard core”? In an official statement from the CEO? I can’t believe people invest money with this imbecile. 

If the showcase happens, it’ll be a car operated by remote control

I would be all in on an “oops all side quests” story with Ventress. Much in the same way the Bad Batch was sort of off doing their own thing for a bit. I know the secret base and Hemlock were the big bads but for a while there it was just fetch quests and podracing to make ends meet. Just let Ventress chew scenery,

I’d like to see the team tackle the High Republic or Post-Rise of Skywalker.

Been like that since the 80s

If $35/hour is correct, then they wouldn’t be the lowest paid. I worked for a community college that did a ton of placement with them and I remember the starting pay for techs being in the low $20s.

yes thats what we call a slippery slope argument.

history doesn’t repeat itself but it certainly rhymes. Musk is spiraling downwards just like Henry Ford did almost exactly 100 years ago

It seems like the answer to turn a profit for companies now a days is just to fire people once employees build the company up so they can continue to reward the VP’s and CEO’s with more money. Eventually nobody is going to want to take a job with companies that seem to layoff people every few months. I think

You’re a moron

Firstly fuck you. Secondly, I dare you to name one recorded incident of a trans woman threatening people in a bathroom. Go on please tell me about one instance where this happened where they were a “threat”. Ill be here all day you just need to provide me one case where this happened.

I beg of you please cite me one

Yeah her whole thing is that trans woman are men trying to break into woman’s bathrooms. It’s absolutely insane.

And then she responds to everything being like “we as woman fought for this blah blah blah” it’s wild

At one point I came across a statistic I dont know if it’s real but it sounds like it could be. It simply stated that never has it occurred that a trans person broke into a bathroom for the reasons Rowling claims

(and the twist that Hudson himself has resigned from Starfleet to aid them)

I’ll happily agree with you that Duet was awesome, and I think is the moment DS9 realised what sort of show it could be.

Yeah, when I re-watched it a few years ago I came to the realization that the seasons before the Dominion War were the seasons I liked more. Not that the Dominion War stuff wasn’t good, I just think the other seasons were even better.

DS9 definitely hit the ground running season one with a reasonably strong season of storytelling (No one is looking at you “Move Along Home”), but it was in the final episode of the season “In The Hands of the Prophets” that you really knew you were in for something different. And the fact that now, 30 years later,