
The thing is, it shouldn’t just be one twist that makes or breaks a movie. I knew Hulk would be in Ragnarök and I still enjoyed it. I don’t think anyone would sit through the first hour and ten minutes of the movie absolutely hating it then see Hulk and go “yay it’s hulk I love this movie now.”

I don’t want to be a woman-blamer, but getting Portman back was a mistake too. She clearly didn’t want to be there, and brought just NOTHING to her performance - even though this was a lighter movie, and I think Natalie Portman is way better in NON serious roles. I get that they wanted to do Lady Thor, but the whole

Joel Edgerton is on that list too. 

I can get down with this take. I was in the theatre for another movie when I saw the trailer for Thor Ragnarok. I’d never seen a Marvel movie before, and I was like, “Holy shit this looks amazing!” And I went to see it and I loved it. I watched a couple of other films, like Black Panther, and I saw the Avengers

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that they make movies other than comic book movies, but Taika Waititi actually has an Academy Award that he won specifically for writing.

Not give away, give to family members to sell to Saudi Arabia and Iran.

He’s 10000% right after the extremely dark opening and the early parts with Jane’s cancer the movie could not stop cracking jokes and I’m sure the powers that be either toned down the darkness during the script phase or during post production and the result is what we got on screen. 

I think most of the problem, from what I’ve seen come out about the movie, stems from editing and effects. The film looks unfinished because they hastily made a lot of changes at the last minute, leading to shoddy VFX work that had to make arbitrary and frivolous changes at the eleventh hour. (NOT blaming the VFX crew

I get what he is saying, but really Hemsworth was the least of the problems. I loved the duality of his over-the-top confidence in battle and his insecurities around Jane and the kids. Gorr was a let down - in looks and character, Jane was meh, and many of the early battle scenes were just so ridiculous that they are

I’m sure Trump will pardon him.

And yet Donald The Criminal, “thanks” to that apparently corrupt judge in FL who is doing everything she can for the benefit of Donald during the proceedings, still walks (uh, waddles) free.

So Trump will get 22 years at least for the same damn thing, right? LOL, just kidding, we all know he won’t see any consequences, just inconvenient court appearances that he wines about incessantly. 

Thoe guys are all over the place.  They also made a Horror Movie called “Death Tunnel” in 2005

concerned limited portions of some of the statements relating to the Zephyr”

They kept selling out before I could buy one.... i guess it was the universe’s way of keeping me from wasting money. 

I wonder if the dude who found a way to wear this with his Apple Vision Pro in public is still single.

Another question: we know that Nasubi’s antics were broadcast during his isolation, but does the fact that he never did indicate betrayal on Tsuchiya’s part—or is it just good television?”

Seriously! On movie night my friends and I decided to watch On the Basis of Sex, the Ruth Bader Ginsburg biopic and everyone thought I was being a weirdo for wearing mine.

It’s good. It actually FEELS like a storyline in the game. Started a bit slow but man, it got there.

All right, Chalamet... you’re up.