
So far the episodes all felt rushed. Maybe I didn’t mind when I was in High School watching these, but now I get why the pacing on some of the comic arcs are as long as they are.

I mean....

They’ve been doing that all season though, which I think is interesting. I think in the first episode they had Charles in the opening, then he got yoinked. If you pay attention they even changed Madelyn Pryor vs. Jean Grey. When it was Madelyn her hair was down, but when Jean came back she had her hair in a ponytail.

I remember so many of these as a kid.

I hope they get more land, and make it even bigger. Weather is better in Anaheim than Orlando in summer. 

The name’s Akechi Mariko. Remember it.

This will add this team has done a better job adapting major x-men storylines with less time than hacks of the Fox live action duds (looking at you wolverine origins, 3 and dark phoneix )

Wait, isn’t Disney like hours away from folding because it made a movie last year with women in it? Are you telling me they actually have billions of dollars to spend on parks and that a few underperforming movies aren’t going to leave Mickey sinking to the bottom of a river?

I have to wonder if they aren’t shoveling money down the hole with the plan to eventually become a slightly geekier replacement for HBO because god knows where else could afford to fill that vacuum (which Netflix certainly has no interest in).

The company said the streaming service is “expected to greatly enhance and expand Truth Social, an iconic a moronic Trump brand whose free-speech pathetically propagandistic mission resonates deeply with its community of users and supporters morons and fools.”

This pump and dump scam MAGA used to fleece its own supporters could not have been any more obvious from the start. MAGA rightfully knew its supporters would be too blinded by their BS to see it. I don’t know if any MAGAts will even read this or if they only read things on MAGA-approved information sources now.

we want to let these creators know they’ll soon have a guaranteed platform where they won’t be canceled.

This is a lot of words to say “we’re giving Tucker Carlson a job.”

That said, don’t most SPAC-merged companies plummet in value after they go public?

My take was the Ghoul revived CX404 a/k/a “4" so she could lead him to Witzig.

I mean he’s still got a bunch of true believers that have their whole nest egg dropped into this, waiting for it to take off. Unfortunately, they’re so sunk that they couldn’t believe it’s a scam even if they wanted to. 

How many times has this stock taken a nosedive just this week alone? I have lost track.

This is glorious, it’s like watching a train made of bullshit crash into a bus full of Nazis in slow motion.

I kinda feel bad for the kid, he did great playing the villain, but we all know how regular people react to these great actors irl. I bet he will be reminded all his life about how much people hated “him” in the show. Wich means he did a good job but also it kinda sucks. And i know, hes 30 years old or so but still

This is more for later episodes but I really want this show to explain their rules for ghouls. Some can heal like wolverine apparently. That’s new.

The dog is named CX404. That’s the identification number stamped on her as a puppy, and later the subtitles refer to her as such.