
You live (by the regex), you die \1.

She was visibly pregnant in early January, so probably at least 3 months along. The current season is done filming and will be done airing next month. My guess is they’ll delay production if necessary rather than having anything without her. Maybe have some episodes focused mostly on other characters and her film some

I am honestly surprised that he hasn’t sent the actual URL www.twitter.com to a 404

So glad to see users are spending their own time and money buying up sites to protect themselves and others from the owner’s stupid-ass decisions! Maybe next time they’ll just — use another site. 

Forget Dredge, the adaptation I’m looking forward to is DAVE THE DIVER!

Today’s episode of X-Men is completely insane, as someone who has read nearly all of the comics its referencing and adapting I was still somehow shocked at how far the show was willing to go. The moment with Magneto and Leech was particularly powerful.

It’s like a museum.  You get to see ‘art’ from many eras.

Maybe they punted on being realistic because they wanted both sides to watch the movie. If it was a Red vs. Blue situation, then they would have to figure out who the “good side” was for the sake of the story.

thats been pretty well known inside Disney experts. They are very good at keeping the characters away form each other. Kind of like how Mickey Mouse can be greeting people by the train station out front but then if you walk to Toon town behind the castle you can also meet him inside his house at the same time

Although named simply “Padawan” in the original credits, he was given his gag name Sha’a Gi—only rivaled in absurdity by the iconic Ima-Gun Di, a Jedi who debuts and dies promptly before the opening titles of the Clone Wars episode “Supply Lines”

Ochiba also says at the start before Ishido proposes marriage that she won’t celebrate or buy that Toranaga isn’t up to something until Toranaga is actually there with his forehead touching the floor in submission. The Hiromatsu thing convinced her

Last point, I think Ochiba genuflecting is meant to show that she’s fully bought that Toranaga is surrending and that the plan succeeded. She was being told that she picked the wrong one between Toranaga and Ishido and that Ishido wasn’t cut out to win this war, all while she doesn’t trust Toranaga and assumes he must

Now playing

That never would’ve happened if Sha’a Gi had finished his training and unlocked Ultra Instinct.

Speaking as someone who likes specific scenes and ideas of the prequels more so than them as holistic movies, Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars changed everything by proving that Prequel Trilogy Star Wars actually could feel like Original Trilogy Star Wars. Watched together, Volumes 1 & 2 of Clone Wars form an epic,

don’t care what anyone says the 2d clone wars and 3d show don’t negate each other. 

Hopefully this is another step up. Gonna be difficult to be better than Pearl.

I thought X was pretty good, did not care for Pearl, but I’m all-in on this one.

Mia Goth back chewing scenery with a weird accent, I’m all for it.

I haven’t seen X or Pearl since I saw them in the theater but I remember liking Pearl a bit more than I liked X. So hopefully this continues on the upward swing. Plus, I’m a sucker for an 80s setting. Hopefully they pull off the Night Stalker tie, if there actually is one and it’s not just referenced to, in better

I mean, I wouldn’t really call anyone in Children of the Vault a blank slate, but also Cable and Bishop are literally the main characters of the book. Their characterization is goddamn amazing.