And the Engineers’ language hasn’t changed for a billion years, and an android can extrapolate it from human languages that developed over the last several millennia.
And the Engineers’ language hasn’t changed for a billion years, and an android can extrapolate it from human languages that developed over the last several millennia.
On one hand, season 2 ended at a good wrapping up point after a massive climax (ahem.)
Great! There’s so much lore from the comics you can’t gracefully fit into a movie. I was thrilled that Wakanda Forever gave us live action Midnight Angels armor as well as Ayo and Aneka. But it was shoehorned into the story (“Should we use the new armor?”) and they were just cameos with no arc.
Early 2024? They should release it now for holiday buzz. Road House is a Christmas movie.
I wish there was more surviving footage of their marionette acts and Les Poupées de Paris, which was apparently quite clever and expansive. Their showgirl puppets on Dean Martin anticipated the Muppet Show’s guest numbers a decade later. It’s just wild that Sid & Marty Krofft went directly from “adult marionette…
To be clear, Sissy Spacek played Carrie, Amy Irving played her classmate Sue who survives the film.
Really the opposite is true. The movie catches you up quickly on who these people are and the important things that happened. The actual plot and story is nicely free of serving crossovers or future continuity. That is properly saved for the end credits.
The Dark World so needlessly undermines itself by 1) giving so much of the movie the color filter of a burned coffee pot, and 2) somehow giving Malekith and the Dark Elves the emotional energy of a burned coffee pot.
Loki variants have the added strangeness that our Loki is a Frost Giant given Asgardian form by Odin. So were Sylvie, Richard Grant, Alligator etc all likewise converted Frost Giants, or multiple species? Are they all so different because they all got transformed differently? If basically any creature could be adopted…
Also Layla / Tewaret trading off Layla’s body between terrified archeologist and hippo goddess having a Best Day Ever.
Maybe this is an earlier Ching Shi who stayed out of the history books.
She’s not A-list herself, but Letitia Wright seems to have been a case of Marvel/Disney successfully getting an actor to 1) stop talking publicly, 2) not fatally infect anyone else on the Wakanda Forever set, and 3) deliver a strong lead performance on an A-list movie. It helps if you’re willing to listen to Don…
It’s great to get details from back before there was no mainstream press or fan community for these films. And seeing these people who have no blueprint for making a great Star Trek movie and don’t know they’re going to succeed. Nicholas Meyer had only been writing and directing for a few years and he leaned on the…
A lot of the pro/con of the Yuuzhan Vong are a matter of taste. Unbeatable assimilating bondage race (but all biological so NOT the Borg) whose swath of apocalyptic destruction render the original movies’ victories irrelevant. Someone who liked it might describe it differently.
This video recap of Sabine’s life story is both enjoyable and establishes much more clearly why she doesn’t want to be a public figure. Short version she’s got massive war trauma and guilt.
And that’s fine. Retcons to make a better story or adapt to out of control changes happen all the time.
A detail I liked was how the severed HK droid heads and Sabine’s armor pieces all felt very heavy. Lifted with effort and set down with a solid THUNK. It made the FX and set dressing feel more tactile.