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When I saw Crystal Skull’s theater release the motorcycle chase through Marshall College got lots of laughs and even applause. The dodges and misdirects are energetic. The humor from the setting, like the Jock punching Mutt into a Greaser gang or the library students or the Blues Brothers-esque protest, feel like

Satine may have been a subject better avoided for Bo-Katan and her disparate clans during Mandalorian season 3. The whole New Mandalorian movement was radical and controversial to the point that Bo-Katan moved against her own sister with Death Watch. Obviously she regretted that choice and changed sides but was too

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The Variety interview is on YouTube and quite enjoyable since Lyonne and Lynskey interview each other. I wasn’t familiar with either movie so this sent me down a rabbit hole of finally appreciating But I’m A Cheerleader.

You can eat the ratatouille from Ratatouille. Pixar had Thomas Keller come up with an actual recipe that would have interesting preparation and look attractive. The New York Times published the original recipe but now there are adaptations all over the internet (search “confit byaldi”.)

Mega is quite useful for legitimate gigabyte file transfers. Now that everyone can do digital video I often need it as a virtual thumb drive. It has a good interface and you can set up a drop box link.

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Steve Martin says regular applications will make it beautiful.

Because THERE ARE NO NAZIS IN UKRAINE. Shadesof808080 is a Russian bot spouting the same weak propaganda since 2014. That’s why all they have is “here is a logo that resembles a swastika” or “this blurry detail could be a swastika.” If there was a significant Nazi presence in Ukraine with its democratically elected

It’s hilarious you expect anyone to believe that.

I would not believe ANY metric from Twitter’s petulant child-brain. I’m sure he thinks inventing or inflating numbers is some edgelord genius tactic like not paying rent.

If you think the slide comparisons are effective, you should see the footage from the ground. Ukrainians are out rescuing as many people and animals as they can while the Russians shell them. Flood zones look placid but up close there is gasoline and toxic sewage. Russia’s depravity has no bottom since they never face

You keep using the word “terrorism.” Terrorism would be making ordinary people suffer. For example, bombarding cities and towns with missiles and drones. Or blowing up a dam and flooding hundreds of miles. Or giving your insurgents SAM missiles that shoot down Malaysian Airlines MH17 killing 298.

In Tolkien’s canon humans “awoke” fully formed without evolution. They haven’t had hundreds of thousands of years to resemble modern ethnicities by eons of migrations. Making any of them specifically white or black or brown is a choice.

I’ve had a lifetime of Howe / Lee / Jackston style Tolkein adaptions with the familiar conceptions of Middle Earth. But what would, say, an artist who grew up in Kenya imagine while reading the books? Or Mumbai, or Santiago, or Jakarta? I’d love to see that.

That sounds wonderful. Even though it will further divide the US population into people who don’t die of viral diseases and unhinged conspiracy lunatics. But that’s on us.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, whatever their personalities, had actual business sense and innovative ideas that paid off. Musk’s public micro management of Twitter shows he’s completely at lost at sea and incapable of coming up with a good idea or recognizing a bad one. He’s not a complicated genius. He’s just an

If you’re counting Ben Affleck (ie. not actual nuns) you’ve GOT to include Sister Night from Watchmen.

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The Penguin! Three minutes and you’re on a mission from God.

The original Ariel started with Jodi Benson singing “Part Of Your World.” Glen Keane heard the recording and asked to do the animation. They hired Sheri Stoner to do a physical performance to match what he imagined from the singing. Against corporate pressure they made her hair red instead of blond since it contrasted

The part I wonder about is the species’ original biome. A human cloned from one of my cells wouldn’t exactly thrive without all the gut flora that helps me digest food and resist infections. And he’d probably wish for some hair mites to eat his dead skin.

If Owen Garriott’s name sounds familiar, his son Richard was a self taught programmer who wrote and published the original Ultima games as Lord British.