Mark Hamill crashes Argyle the Gershwin Gargling Gargoyle’s act and then runs off like a spooked turkey. He’s always been a treasure.
Mark Hamill crashes Argyle the Gershwin Gargling Gargoyle’s act and then runs off like a spooked turkey. He’s always been a treasure.
I did watch the SWHS when it broadcast, but as a 70's kid I couldn’t really tell it was bad. It was the only new Star Wars besides the movie, and exactly as you say, 70's television was mostly horrible.
Given how many Rey costumes I’ve seen since 2015, and how her actor is received at Galaxy’s Edge, I think there’s evidence that she’s a much loved character with market value.
While I’m not a hater (and am excited for Ahsoka) this is a Thrawn who lost his TIE Defender prototype because the two stormtroopers guarding it abandoned their post to chase a cat. While yelling it. Yes Rebels is a kids show, but while I love much of Dave Filoni’s output he cuts a lot of narrative corners. I hope the…
It’s ironic Please Don’t Destroy played to Molly’s strengths instead of going back to catchphrase characters. She’s a lot funnier doing natural humor like being genuinely horrified by their game.
The original Jeannie Darcy sketch was one of Shannon’s funniest bits and absolutely brutal. They had her in a retirement home causing the residents to drop dead. I didn’t know if they ever brought her back. That was the era of bringing back characters with catch phrases no matter how belabored.
I’m encouraged that Rey’s movie has a separate writer and director, and the writing should be at least Peaky Blinders good. Some directors can write well (ironically Rian Johnson, but not for pleasing everyone with a franchise) but Star Wars has really undermined its movies with creative closed loops.
Zeb (!!!) was probably CGI because they couldn’t get his established range of expression using prosthetics and puppetry. Most of the “aliens” have visible human actor eyes or are just emotionless puppet heads (Trandoshans, Mon Cal.) Zeb’s huge yellow eyes would be a lot for a puppet to carry.
I don’t know if it makes a good story, but I sometimes wish Daikatana was a better known cultural reference for what it embodied. Lots of hype and arrogance, endless delays and personal drama, and in the end something ugly, tasteless, and mediocre.
The question is, has ANY music written for a fictional movie band been as great as the actual hits they’re modeled after? Despite being crafted on demand, even by gifted composers, and not by the serendipitous inspiration and experience of real life artists who managed to get discovered?
Bruce Springsteen has not taken advantage of lower price options like Robert Smith did. In his defense, Bruce has an entire E Street Band and corresponding stage crew on his payroll.
I was amazed by the first movie’s side plot about Billy’s birth mother. Both that it was a dark but realistic place, and that they handled it so sensitively. It was an odd fit with the tone of the movie but paid off for me.
Can’t imagine why. Let’s ask Amber Heard.
They’re a monopoly after merging with LiveNation, with exclusivity agreements with the large venues. Our elected officials gave them a free pass over a non binding pledge to behave. Adam Conover has a pretty good explainer (and, for what it’s worth, he’s nicely toned down his schtick.)
Pro tip, Stop Making Sense on a projector screen with a good sound system is a quick easy dance party everyone from zoomers to boomers will get down to.
Nothing is better than that! Is it?
It also got a lot of play at indie repertory theaters for Rocky Horror style showings. For several years until it closed in 2011 the Red Vic in Haight Ashbury had monthly midnight The Room screenings with audience participation and sometimes Tommy Wiseau himself. That’s how I became aware of it.
I was also confused because Beverly Cleary passed two years ago at the age of 104 (!!!) which is as amazing as realizing she and Judy Blume were a generation apart. Beverly laid the groundwork of realistic middle class life but I doubt Beezus or Henry were ever going to get it on.
Andor was amazing and I can’t wait for more of it, but this episode made my eyes so happy with all the diverse expressive aliens and droids. And the pirate fleet in the asteroid belt with the mining stations. A big crazy lived in galaxy.
There was an excellent early YouTube series “No Small Parts” that would deep dive on the lives and careers of supporting actors. It was sold to IMDB, acquired by Amazon, and now exists as 3-minute vignettes which might be fine but no comparison to the long originals.