There actually is a wig shortage, and a budget shortage for cinematic quality wigs made from human hair instead of synthetic. Your eyes do not deceive you.
There actually is a wig shortage, and a budget shortage for cinematic quality wigs made from human hair instead of synthetic. Your eyes do not deceive you.
Honestly? Hux was one of the most unexpectedly enjoyable parts of all three sequel movies. Because Gleeson played him as a true to life fascist. Not a calm strategist like Tarkin or a dutiful company man like Piett, but rather a snivelling resentful opportunist like Richard Spencer. His grand speech before Starkiller…
Dan Radcliffe takes on every role as if he’s sinking his teeth into the biggest most impossibly delicious cake. Even serious and subtle roles there’s always a bit of infectious glee. I’m excited for this movie as a Dan Radcliffe fan even more than as a Weird Al fan.
The role is credited as Dr Demento. Dr Demento would not deny Weird Al anything, anymore than Weird Al would deny Dr Demento a weekly horsey ride in the park.
It’s the bloodlines of House Targaryen, from Aegon to the current contenders, flowing through Viserys’ model of the old Valyrian castle. Each “wheel” is a Targareyn heir. They converge in the present day pouring into a pit of fire. It’s only clear right before the end when the camera pans up looking down on the entire…
Between the bad blood over the finale and a general sense that the show had become trendy for trendiness’ sake, it’s easy to forget that the show otherwise had incredible strengths. The casting, the pacing, the way the story just paid off and set up from episode to episode.
All of the Talking Heads’ original songs are at least co-credited to David Byrne, and most solely credited. And that checks out with his output vs the rest of the band’s post breakup. But it’s not a Prince situation where they all followed his lead. Their instrumentation was collaborative, like Tina’s bass lines.
Star Wars has an actor named Kessel? Someone should run with that.
The animated M.O.D.O.K series had Arcade as an appropriately menacing but ridiculous supporting character.
I dearly hope the great standalone issues get adapted so people can experience them. Midsummer’s Night Dream, Dream of a Thousand Cats, and Three Septembers and a January, which is still the best depiction of Emperor Norton I’ve yet encountered.
It’s not entirely NOT bad sci-fi. Greek gods as advanced beings. It helps to watch with perspective rather than just take the whole thing on its own terms. This is an enjoyable behind the scenes. There’s also an epic How Did This Get Made? episode that’s sometimes free.
There’s no pretending Xanadu is a good film. The only genuinely successful part is Gene Kelly’s dance duet with Olivia, added at the end of production to pad out the runtime. He directed and they danced in one uninterrupted take, Gene still a legend and Olivia more than equal to being his scene and dance partner.
If not for a PBS documentary on YouTube, I wouldn’t have known that vampires in fiction were lesbians before they were male.
The term is “sowing chaos”, as in planting seeds, but to be fair two costumed supervillains might very well sew chaos.
I wonder what’s up with Armor Wars. The story seems straightforward enough to not have to come after all these multiversal stories. It’s supposed to start filming in October.
Between the copious dragons, fortresses, ambitious women, knives, court drama, riding cloaks, and soaring craggy landscapes this is a more vivid Dragonriders of Pern adaptation than I ever expected to see. And probably as close as anyone can get. It’s wild that Ron Moore got within days of shooting a 2002 TV series…
Much as I love The Great and Belinda Bromilow’s moth-training character, I regret that its truncated history denies us a fully realized Empress Elizabeth.
Tim Kaine had a 100% approval rating by NARAL.