Thank you both! Now I’ve got a Rachel Weisz film to dig into and that’s always a good thing.
Thank you both! Now I’ve got a Rachel Weisz film to dig into and that’s always a good thing.
It took The Good Place for me to learn about Hypatia of Alexandria, beloved philosopher who was murdered on the street by a Christian mob just for being an infidel. In a period when the pope kept issuing edicts to stop assaulting Jews. Early Christians were uncomfortably like present day madrassas.
So we don’t know what happens if the Nu-men cows eat Skrull-cow burgers or drink Skrull-cow meat. That’s probably the next crossover event right there. Somehow also involving symbiotes.
I feel more strongly “don’t just kill the character offscreen.” Have him disappear into space or another dimension and then other Wakandans have to deal with the latest crisis. That happens in the comics.
Sansa and Theon’s sometimes regrettable storyline paid off in Season 8 with the two being able to speak volumes with very little.
I imagine/fantastize that Kate McKinnon will someday deliver dramatic performances like Kristin Wiig. But it’s too easy to imagine her doing Elizabeth Holmes as a caricature, because Holmes’ public persona is itself a caricature. Maybe Amanda Seyfried has the acting chops to find the chilling, shameless, self…
IO9's Morning Spoilers blurb for the trailer was “Barbara Crampton summons Cthulhu in the trailer for Sacrifice.” Upon reading it I realized just calling your movie “Barbara Crampton Summons Cthulhu” would get me to buy a ticket.
I was distracted by how good the music was. And I’m not at all sure who all was representing at the rally. It was at Walker’s old high school but that was no high school marching band. If that’s an existing military band I want to know more.
Honestly it makes me nostalgic for the animation festivals we used to have before online video and YouTube. The one way to experience Bill Plympton or Mike Judge or Aardman was a night out at the theater and having no idea what to expect.
That’s harsh. Paul McCartney is just gradually revealing he was Angela Lansbury all along.
The most Zach Snydery game is probably Daikatana. If you ran Daikatana through a machine learning upscaler you’d get Justice League.
Westview like everywhere else had just spent five years decimated by the Snap.
The first two seasons of MADTV were practically a whole distinct show in its own right. There wasn’t a weak player in the cast and each episode put everyone to good use. Debra was every bit an essential part of that. Most of the sketches landed, some were brilliant, and everything was better than “He Look Like a Man.”…
There is seldom an opportunity to speak about Jackson’s King Kong. I saw it in the theater with the mix of wow and yikes and a sense that the LOTR magic might have been lightning in a bottle. But I’d watched the original King Kong beforehand, which helped for appreciating things like the original natives recreated as…
One bit of prequel rehabilitation (redemption would be going to far) was that the Clone Wars animated series gave us the Anakin Skywalker we needed. We get to see his good qualities like bravery and fierce loyalty to his friends and troops, and his bad qualities tempered by both experience and mentoring Ahsoka. By the…
Looks like a Borg porcupine. A Borgupine if you will.