Gaia's Wrath

You basically just described what makes Final Fantasy what it is. From the beginning all those games had in common were those aesthetic elements you mentioned. The only thing different now is the fact the the game play is not longer turn based. Are the tactics games not Final Fantasy because they are turn based

To be fair this is the first time this game will be available outside of Japan.

That definition doesn't necessarily apply here. Dragons don't only exist in as we in the west know them. For example a Chinese or Japanese dragon is usually depicted as any large reptile like creature that has mystical powers. These dragons do not always have to have wings or a breathe weapon, and some of them even

With the way fantasy tosses around the naming conventions dragon, drake, wyvern, and wyrm can be interchangeable. That being said when we think of dragons we tend to think of a four-legged reptile with wings and fire breath. Wyrms tend to be depicted as legless and with wings and wyverns are tend to be depicted with

The first video was fairly impressive, however the second one greatly exceeded my expectations.

Freedom of speech only protects you from the government.

I have to disagree about it being drawn poorly. To me it feels stylized in motion and I really enjoyed seeing that fight animated.

Sounds like this could be applied to people as well.

Isn't the admission free?

Really? FFVIII was my first and I played FFIX pretty much right after. I've since played most of the older ones, however IX remains one of my favorite RPGs.

When I think about it I probably enjoyed my time with JRPGs the most when I was playing on the PS2. The Modern Era is pretty close though because I really enjoyed games like Lost Odyssey and Persona 4 Golden

Aww man I loved this game, although i could see why some would dislike it.

I have to agree with you here. I really really wanted to like this game, but the story and Samus's character made no sense to me. She's fought Ridley how many times up to this point and never had PTSD like that.

For me video games have always been about game play and battle systems, so its never been about just getting to the next cut scene for me. IMHO all the FF13 games had fun battle systems.

I don't really see any problems with the new look either.

I'm not saying it's not worth playing. What I am saying is that it feels like this could be something different.

Since I've never played it I can only go by what I've heard or read. To me I find it difficult to say whether gone home is a game or not, mostly because it feels like it lacks consequence and conflict for the player.

Here's the older skins

It might not be for you, but I know a bunch of people who love dynasty warriors and zelda. So this game is just another reason for them to want to get a Wii U.

Sure, but that's true for many RPGs.