CS Carrig

He always seemed nice. Which made it a real fucking shame he handed the country off to literal Emperor Palpatine, Dick Cheney.

That’s a nice thing he’s doing. He’s a better guy now that he’s retired.

A true profile in courage.

Well, hey. Trump may have a blank check to destroy this county for everyone who isn’t wealthy, white and male, but we can all take comfort in the fact that Mitch McConnell will push back against congressional term limits. He’s truly the hero we deserve.


I was at Penn at the same time as Melker. Donnie was indeed a sad sack of a human being who peed everywhere and assaulted everyone. He belonged to the most rape-y of rape-y fraternities and comfortably communicated with his asshat brothers in the misogynist language of his father and...he just sucked. He really did

Why do they not give the moderators mic kill switches? Your mic is on when it is your turn to talk and if you won’t answer the question, it is turned off again.

They should let the guy who was moderating this debate do the national ones! In his debate, if you don’t answer the actual question, you lose your turn. Politics would be better if everyone followed this rule. That’s the difference between a moderator and an enabler!

I know right? Like, did they think Amy Schumer was a gun rights advocate?

I don’t get this at all, does Sony really think they are so far ahead that they can piss off a substantial subset of gamers and there won’t be a backlash?

She buys groceries?! I assumed her sustenance came from turning her head 180 degrees and eating the face of her partner during copulation.

Even if this story isn’t true, this man (a man who on several occasions waxed lyrical about how much he wants to bed his daughter, repeatedly expresses bigoted views about minorities, talks and acts like a neanderthal, among a host of other things) has garnered mass support from Americans. I mean completely setting

Those things are just data being read from where the mod files are stored and provided you have space to store them they would have no impact on performance. Because of how areas load you can basically add as much land as you want, it will just be very low-poly with basically no processing until you get close enough

They’re just upset that he’s a man of wealth and taste. He’s been around for long, long years and he’s stolen many a man’s soul and faith. I mean, he was around when Jesus Christ had his moments of doubt and pain. Didn’t you know he made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate.

I’m a bit partial to the WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU achievement from AC: Syndicate, where you have to flip 5 carriages by shooting the horses pulling them. I’m also glad that Undertale doesn’t have achievements, because I'm sure that fully half of them would be as bad or worse than many on this list.