CS Carrig

Unverified isn’t the same as fake. I’m not saying the story is true, and given how sad it is, I’d like to believe it isn’t, but you’re going out of your way to say it was fake when the guy wasn’t seeking this attention in the first place and was discredited for refusing to give personal details that would lead to the

I get that the article is about spoilers, but was it really necessary to make the headline a spoiler?

For the title of the article not to be an unavoidable spoiler? It’s possible to skim over the parts of the article I don’t want to read yet or skip it entirely, but the headline and picture not so much.

I don’t know that it was top 5 worst. It was just mediocre. I liked it initially and never found reason to hate it, but at the same time, when I fell behind on Hulu, I never got around to watching the rest. It definitely wasn’t Ryan Murphy’s last few seasons of Glee bad.

Copyright is one of those ugly areas of fandom where companies are more than happy to let fans use their property as free publicity until suddenly they aren’t. I can’t recall the specifics, but I think Fox did something like this to X-files fan sites back in the early days of the Internet. I’ve always wondered what

And thus we return to the classic contentious debate of comic book fandom... on the one hand, it sucks to try and figure out what’s going on for new readers pulled in by the marketing team’s attempt to pull in new readers. On the other side, old readers and the entire creative team have to drop whatever they’ve been

I think the producers of Agents of SHIELD have said since Day 1 that the show and the movies have very different lead time on their stories, which accounts for the ever-widening rift. It’s hard to have the movies coexist with the shows when the movies are written so far in advance of the shows(and subject to rewrites

This is, in all seriousness, the reason why his election as VP terrifies me.

I do not take solace in how absolutely delighted Pence looks by comparison. Trump may want to hire an official food taster.

Interesting. Would you mind editing your post to include that research? It seems more opinion than data, but I’ve been surprised in the past by counterintuitive research(like spikes in gun ownership not correlating with increases in gun deaths). Despite having less faith in data than I did before November 8th, it’s

Try not to hold those reactions against them... a lot of us are stuck in the second stage of grief, and moving past anger is going to be very, very painful, given who and what we all have to bargain with(ugh). I’m glad people like you have our backs, and they will be, too, even if they don’t want to admit it.

Contrariwise, the longer a politician is in office, the harder it is to get them out, regardless of how little they actually do. And there’s been a whole lot of doing nothing in Congress ever since they decided the best way to serve the country was to sit on their hands until they controlled the White House again(and

Didn’t the exit polls show Trump’s groundswell of support was middle and upper middle class white voters? More white collar than blue collar, if such things even exist anymore? The picture I saw was one of moderately comfortable people anxious about losing what they have, not people who have little and are

It would be very nice if he could fix all those things he talked about, like our infrastructure, but that’s an awful lot of government spending. That money has to come from somewhere, and if Republicans wouldn’t pass a jobs bill for Obama, they’re not going to pass one for him. But I hope they do. I hope they make

I would swear there was a Greek myth about a guy captivated by his own reflection.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I’d like to see those statistics. I’d gotten the impression that media has grown more diverse over the past twenty years. (I’m assuming you’re referring exclusively to American journalists, and that you’re not excluding freelancers or other non-staff news contributors.)

Given the insane level of interdepartmental dysfunction, it didn’t seem that far off. Tinkering with a bird was apparently enough of an infraction to be fired if their supervisors found out, and the other tech has been having sex/raping hosts and tinkering with them to hide what he did. As scary as the situation was,

I realize the term is actually being used appropriately here, but ever since I learned alt-right whackjobs use “cuck” as a racist insult, seeing the the word anywhere just makes my skin crawl. I’m probably going to have to watch the extremely violent penguin just to remind myself there are worse things in nature than

So, as a general rule, do you enjoy posting your opinion and insulting everyone else for having their own? I’m curious what motivates a person who only cares about their own opinion to spend so much time and effort letting others know you don’t care about their opinions. If it’s to raise the quality of human

I would have loved to see a presidential debate when all those snide, under the breath comments and retorts were silenced, and candidates actually had to wait their damned turn to object and argue. I’ve seen high school Model UN meetings where immature teenagers portraying dictatorships showed more civility and