You shouldn't have to watch a talk show after a show to understand the show you just watched.
You shouldn't have to watch a talk show after a show to understand the show you just watched.
I was wondering what you meant by unsuccessful rock band until I realized I was confusing Brian Cox with Brian May, from Queen. It would have been much more true (truer?) if it was Brian May, rock legend and astrophysicist.
Based on watching it last week:
This is a really poorly telerecorded trailer from New Zealand. In addition to a few new shots is a brief snippet of (probably) Hurt's TARDIS which seems to be a redressed Tennant's with solid flooring and classic roundels!
I guess we know who Unit scientist Osgood's favorite Doctor is! Excellent taste...
The aliens do this with crop circles.
You know how they could tell if it's a mail plane right?
I thought I'd seen this trope around. I personally remember it from The Colour of Magic, but it seems to be a fairly popular one. Nice little short.
I couldn't have put it more succinctly.
I always felt that The Fly episode of BB was a total homage to Hal. Was the same quirky compulsive behaviour. The wacky homemade flyswatter was pure, distilled Hal
Holy fuck do those "voice actors" ruin it.
Ya, those voice overs are nauseating. Maybe when it's released we (the internet) can scrub the voice track and throw in some nice cinematic music instead.
My almost 7yo is delighted so I am feeling vicarious mirth.
Agreed. My there are some pics I have of my father at 27 in uniform as commander of an RAF Coast Command Liberator crew where he looks at least 40. It's not that he looks gaunt and exhausted, if anything he looks well-fed and happy, but he still looks middle-aged. I also have a pic of him putting on some walking boots…
The actors playing producer Verity Lambert and director Waris Hussein look pretty young, but are three and five years older than their characters: Lambert was 28 but is played by 31-yo Jessica Raine, and Hussein was 24 but played by 29-yo Sacha Dhawan.
More excited for this than for the 50th!
That's just kind of mind blowing! I can not wait for this!
The first thing I thought watching this was "I wonder how many props were taken from The Hour?" Still, I can't believe how sharp this looks. Knowing the American fondness for Doctor Who, I hope we get it in the States (though did we ever get that Monty Python movie over here?)
"Hey Girl..."