It's also on Spotify under the (amazing) band Postmodern Jukebox. You can hear it without having to look at him! They really are great covers (as are all the non-Puddles PMJB covers), and I highly recommend them.
It's also on Spotify under the (amazing) band Postmodern Jukebox. You can hear it without having to look at him! They really are great covers (as are all the non-Puddles PMJB covers), and I highly recommend them.
still hot/I'm weird.
Right now I'm a gainfully employed Jezebel Commenter/Sandwich Eater. I'm my own boss and I get paid in sandwiches to write pithy nonsense.
"Once I tried to stop him. He shoved me aside - with a *KUH* and continued." paraphrased, but that whole reminiscence was awesome.
I was really hoping that this gif existed.
It would've been better if she had taken a page out of the crazy British hat book and attached the infant to her head instead. Then she'd be VOLTRONBRIDE, DEFENDER OF THE RECEPTIONVERSE.
I was thinking the same thing about his hair. Given that he's 55, my money is on a wig.
Prince was at the French Open yesterday, and he brought a scepter. So here are a bunch of pictures of Prince, who…
I call it the "teen gravitas" look, which is not an oxymoron. At least as far as either of these two insufferable gits is concerned.
You realize that this isn't an image of beauty, right? It's a painting of Bacchus—an image of unhealthy indulgence and debauchery. It's not meant to be flattering. The Hermitage's description alone offers some insight, characterizing the figure as "grossly obese."
I get that body shaming isn't effective in promoting…
Gah! That Eva Green thing. Brandish a gun? "Eh, No biggee." Show a little bit of your natural god-given nipple and it is all 'The Children! The Children! Won't someone please think of the Children! Whooooore!!!"
"Curve of the breast"?? What is the world coming to! Think of the children! How are children supposed to deal with breast curvature? -_-
The Chris Evans/Sandra Bullock news makes me irrationally happy. I just want her to have all the good things!