
When I visit my uncle in Texas, I usually end up driving his 68 Camaro around quite a bit. I'm here to tell you that even something high performance like the Camaro has questionable braking and steering but it will definitely get up and go when you put your foot down.

I found some scooter tires that are studdless but most of the tires that people use are studded knobby tires like dirt bike tires. I suppose you could stud and/or sipe dual sport tires for more traction.

Yes. Or at least Apple having their video app record only in landscape.

That wasn't a picture of me, I found it on the internet a while back. In the context of city driving, I think riding a motorcycle in the snow with snow tires would be perfectly acceptable. It would be like riding a dirt bike in the snow which isn't that bad.

Sounds like a simple lack of commitment.

2 wheels good, 2 wheels very good.

Hi/LO range air shifter.

One of the things that I have noticed about the way people drive is that many people tend to drive next to the car in the adjacent lane rather than in front or behind. Just like physics, when it comes to merging, 2 objects cannot occupy the same space. Also, people for some reason don't seem to grasp that your car

Alas, my daring wit, awkward-at-best communication skills, and marginal grasp of tact have found a higher calling in engineering. I will take my questionable social skills and retire to the nerdery with my graphing calculator only to emerge for the occasional comment on subjects I'm uncomfortably familiar with.

I know it's not for everyone but I've met a ton of great friends racing. SCCA and local shit is everywhere and fairly cheap to get involved (volunteer to work a corner and the organizers will love you). Good age ranges and a very welcoming community.

A real shame too. You would think that people who claim to be well educated and well informed would be at the very least neutral on the subject even if they disagreed.

There are some heavy truck manufacturers who have messed around with this. Storage is the main issue. Obviously battery tech is evolving rapidly but for something big (like a semi truck) there is so much kinetic energy that your regenerative braking exceeds your capacity in seconds. We're talking about a few thousand

Bring it in Andrew.

That is quite a mane on that guy.

It is a new word, see my response to Solidstate89.

Muggles, one of my favorite new words.

If they were giving away Vernors, that would be pretty awesome too.

Shame on you Torch. People quote steel's melting point like it's the temperature which steel is no longer usable. This is totally incorrect.

Fair point. I'm just playing the devil's advocate.

Depends on your track. Automatics are way more consistent on the drag strip and GM has had the best automatics for the straight-liners.