
I’ve determined that I can never be content without at least like, 14 tubes of lip balm in the house. Nightstand, coat pocket, other coat pocket, coffee table, bathroom, backback, etc. etc. And I need duplicates in many of those locations, because I have two adolescent cats and anything smaller and lighter than a

I’ll allow it. Pop culture references and a sense of humor make it 100% acceptable. 

Adamandeve.com has discreet shipping, jus sayin’. 

Not really. Their coop is really solid, and they’re always secured unless people are home. We lost a few birds (although those were ducks, not chickens) very early on, but it was before my dad built a proper coop.

If you have the space, they’re great. Pretty low maintenance, and fresh eggs are wooonderful. My parents have them and I love just watching them when I visit. The way they cluck around the yard in a little group is just so cute.

Headphones! Fucking headphones! They have existed for decades. I am continually stunned that people don’t seem to realize this.

Accurate on all counts. I’m in Wisconsin and we have a really high rate of alcoholism. If we didn’t have liquor stores, we’d have people going to the hospital for DTs, which is the absolute last thing our medical system needs. It’s an essential service.

Okay... mostly. In some ways I am definitely among the lucky ones. The contract that was once the bane of my existence (I loathe my job to the extent that I was near suicidal) is now keeping me paid while my workplace is closed through June. Husband was laid off, but our living expenses are cheap, so we’ll be okay.

Oh yes. There are an awful lot of adults in a school building at any given time. I also had a ton of students with asthma.

Biden already said that he’s planning to pick a woman. It would be extremely bad optics if he went back on that. It would say “yeah, we thought about picking a lady, but turns out none of them were good enough after all.” 

I kinda get that. We’re at about 80% gray and gloomy 20% nice where I live right now, and it definitely makes those sunny, warmer days feel a lot more exciting and special. I’d definitely like quite a bit more beautiful and sunny, though. And more rain! We don’t even have much rain, just cold, depressing overcast

Another really good (and true, for me) excuse is that when I’m home, I just don’t have my phone in my pocket all the time. Since there’s very little that’s time sensitive for me these days, I end up leaving it on my nightstand and going about my day. I might not look at my phone for hours, unless I happen to hear it

Obviously you CAN silence your phone. The issue is that if you never answer or call back, your friends and family are likely to start getting worried that something is wrong. Or insulted that you’re just ignoring them. The goal here is having a couple of excuses so that you can limit those phone calls to just once a

Warren was my choice, but I think she’d be wasted as VP, which is a largely symbolic position, unless she manages to pull strings, Cheney-style.

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen it suggested that reopening schools would have a low impact, but that just seems so implausible. Like, really? You think sending hundreds of asymptomatic carriers to mingle together every day, then go home to their families, which likely include more vulnerable individuals, wouldn’t

Yes, that’s exactly it! I like knowing things and I really don’t like not knowing things. 

That is a troubling metric, given the number of doctors I’ve known who are alcoholics. (Most in recovery at this point, but still....)

I guess I don’t know how the interview question was phrased. This article and the Bazaar article don’t make entirely clear the context under which she uttered that quote. It could have been “Selena Gomez made this positive Instagram story about you, are you still good friends?”

This is, of course, the exact same logic Republicans use when trying to vote in assholes like Roy Moore. But when they do it, of course, it’s disgusting and horrifying. When Dems do it—well, the supreme court was in danger!!!!”

You want private companies, who are interested in profit, delivering essential correspondence like census forms, absentee ballots, tax refund checks? I know I don’t!