I saw that episode, didn't they buy it for like $65,000? CP!
I saw that episode, didn't they buy it for like $65,000? CP!
I played this on a Commodore64! Man I'm getting old...
Can I get some Bump 'N Jump?
+1 first thing I thought of. I really hate this car.
It started knocking...wait!
Amen brother Frogberg!
562 Vs. 1 Come at me bro!
Well then if its real, we should probably tag these #NSFW just in case.
Someone told me this was a fake, that it was made up as a public service announcement to keep people from riding on the top of trains.
If your going to San Francisco, be sure to wear flowers in your hair, then drivers can see you.
Was she driving a Prius? That would be two in the bay area in as many days. [jalopnik.com]
Dodge SRT-4
My gosh there are some haters on here. So what if this is old news to some of you, this is the first I'm hearing of this. I applaud Preston for publishing the article and Prasan for the tip.
Grab your pitchforks and tourches! Lets find us a Prius.
The menu consists of MREs and freeze dried ice cream, yum.
I'm a machinist, and this is my favorite thing to say to an engineer when they want the impossible. Pick two indeed.
Looks like the Schenewolfs are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Damn it! Should have read the comments before watching the video.
Attention everyone! Still pictures with a stupid soundtrack does not make your video better. Just stop!