Since we’re trolling - They would all look better in something other than that God aweful red they alway use!
Since we’re trolling - They would all look better in something other than that God aweful red they alway use!
#10, Just buy any pre 2000s Subaru.
This was my first thought. I mean, history does have a way of repeating it’s self.
I’m guilty of 3,5,9, and 10. My girl is guilty of 2,5,6,7, and 8. It is near impossible for us to be in a car at the same time, but hey, at least neither of us is 1 or 4!
Electrical problems never end. Never, Never, Never!
I drive a 150 miles a day, and I call BS on drivers being anything that could be considered 'skilled', 'attentive', or 'responsible'.
Amazing you see most of these at the budget series races. That would include our '86 CR-X!
I did 1150 miles in 2 day never leaving the state of Colorado on a '02 CB900. I have a friend that's ridden from Colorado Springs to Columbus (1200 miles) in one sitting 4 times on a '05 FZ6. My Dad just got back from a 5 day 2000 mile trip on a '05 FLH (he's 60). Nice trip, but we are not impressed.
All I know is that it's cheap and ugly.
No God, because Carolla.
10. Yes Please
This was the first thing my Dad said to me when I got my first bike. The single best advice for any rider.
Because employee pricing!
I drive a WRX, it's a manual so the don't brake game is a given because you get tired of pushing in the clutch. The WRX takes 91 octane so I try to get the best millage as possible. I have a great stereo that I listen to everything from news radio to hard rock to books on tape on. I leave anywhere between 5am and…
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So far I've had two failed attempts to fix my power steering on my WRX. Lets hope the third time is a charm.