This is the stuff that dreams are made of!
This is the stuff that dreams are made of!
I won my first crap car race! Race: Chumpcar in La Junta, Co Car: 1986 Honda CRX-egra
I won my first crap car race! Race: Chumpcar in La Junta, Co Car: 1986 Honda CRX-egra
In other news; motorcycles get better gas mileage than most cars! Wow! That's fantastic! Now here's Bob with the weather......
On the subject of random manufacturing mishaps; a guy I work with was a T38 instructor in the Air Force. He was always complaining about a rattling sound that was coming from behind the cockpit. One day when the plane was down for maintenance the mechanics found three empty beer cans in a void just behind the…
Thanks dude! I wish I had known about this when I was in Mechatronics. I've got controls coming up next fall. I will definitely feel this out before then.
+1 kill em all!
6th gear:
Is it too late to do a Jingle Bells parody? Oh well here it goes:
His last ride was in an American car?!? USA! USA! USA!
Plus, if the eyes are in the windshield, what do you do with the lights?
Money well spent if you ask me. Much want!
Me too!
My old Subie. I live in Colorado so I needed a 4WD car. This was the simplest 4WD car I could find, and I loved it. It had 1.8L opposed 4 engine and a 5 speed manual. Locks and windows where manual. There was no trunk release or even oh shit handles. It was a bare bones car that was wicked fun to drive on snow…
I'll get you Nibbles!
Doh! Yes, and thank you.