Hmmmmm, I have a snowboard, now I just need to find a snowmobile.......
Hmmmmm, I have a snowboard, now I just need to find a snowmobile.......
"do not try to do anything even remotely like this"
*Ring Ring*
Haha, If your an enginnering student, your not going to learn shit. Sorry, I'm an engineering student as well, and I've reallized that enginnering has more to do with managment than it does with manufacturing. If you want to really learn something, go to a comunity collage and take some classes, then work in some…
I reasently started working with laser scaning. I agree, its a pain! +1 on CNC
1. I would love to have a job with Google doing modeling. There is nothing I love better than messing around in CAD
So if he was to be (or admited to) speeding, that means he could not make a comprehensive claim on his insurance and would be found as at fault for the crash. I know this guy doesn't seem that smart, but why the hell would he intensianly crash a car in such a way to be found at fault. Can you imagine what he'll be…
Someone gave me one of these once......I have no freeking clue where it is now!
Help me out here, I'm not seeing the automotive history in todays automotive history.....
That would be mostly truck, right?
Wow! I just realized that my WRX is two fiths truck!
In my experiance (third person of course), drinking usually leads to this type of behaviour. Although it usually ends in some sort of proberty damage. I think Jenson and Mika needed to hit the bottle a little harder.
1:50 am
You got it right Mike, I was quoting the ABC yokels from Texas. They must have thought that that because the back end was up and the nose was down, but the top was still up, but so was the back, and the nose was......
I think the most astounding thing from this story is that the car somehow managed to land "upside-down on its nose". The pictures must be fake.
An STI to show them what Cheap and Ugly turned into!
Agreed, must have rear air cooled engine to be a bug.