2&3, Double Helix did 1 before being scooped up by Amazon.
2&3, Double Helix did 1 before being scooped up by Amazon.
When I started watching I asked my wife if she wanted to watch with me and she said “it’s not like they’re going to rerelease VIII or anything...” Surprised I didn’t wake up the whole house letting out a loud “Oh my God!” when it played. Rushed over to the wife and shoved an ear bud in so she could experience it too.…
What makes this so much more difficult to emulate than arcade Laserdisc games? Daphne has been a thing for decades.
Just looking at that image of Fahey plugging it in, there doesn't look to be a lot of space for any additional inputs.
Hold off on your capture until stage 2, then make that the last ship you destroy. Getting your ship back centers you on screen for the challenge stage so that you need only shoot to perfect it.
Definitely sounds like his voice with some of the gruff shaved down.
On an individual player level, you are correct, but in aggregate if EA is pricing things at levels no one is willing to pay we all stand to lose the game we're enjoying.
“Like the super moves in Injustice 2, players will build meter to unleash gory Fatal Blows.”
Can’t wait for new (hopefully licensed) music and the additional Pro difficulty.
Been playing for almost a year now and while I love the game, I'm about to sell the whole collection and move on. Local scene is drying up.
Filed to: South Korea
I don’t remember it exactly but it’s a super obscure music theory reference, notes of an obscure scale kinda thing. There's an article somewhere on here.
See my other reply about revenue sharing not being the same as employment, unless your point is that WotC doesn’t have NFL money, which I totally get, but then they shouldn’t be pushing the narrative of the “pro” player.
“Governing body” may have been too specific a phrase, the DCI judges the events, yes, but they don’t host them and put the money into it, nor do they design, manufacture, and sell the game. That’s the level of separation I’d like to see.
As a fellow old I keep wanting to draw comparisons to traditional meat sports, and on a lot of levels it works. Team games draw an easy parallel to team sports, where players are paid by an organization to perform at a certain level. Solo hobbies feel more akin to golf, where you really have to sell yourself as a…
If they don’t want you using kb/m on consoles, why does the game support it? I'm not saying the two are equal, I'm saying everyone has the option.
For most games you would need a third party converter, yes, that’s why they’re often considered unfair, you’re fooling the system into recognizing something as a controller. But Fortnite accepts USB kb/m at the software level.
Fortnite on PS4 supports USB kb/m natively, so yes, totally fair game.
Thing is, that's not an unfair advantage. The game supports kb/m natively, so that option is available to everyone. This isn't like R6:S where you have to a converter to emulate controller input.
I guess I wasn’t clear enough. I’m not talking about waiting until September and picking everything up, I mean not buying the year one DLC at all. Is that even an option? If I have no interest in that content can I just buy year 2 and jump in there?