If I lived a little closer I could see myself getting a membership and really becoming a hardcore high-score/1CC chaser, but an hour drive each way and $20 at the door is hard to justify to play the same games I’ve been playing on MAME for the past 20 years. Some of the more rare finds are neat to spend time on, but

There won't be a refund, folks that requested them over the Darkest Dungeon game still haven't received them, and the prototype was very well received by previewers.

I was ready to hold my nose and pay the $130 to get a game that is widely considered an excellent implementation of one of my favorite properties. Then I got the $245 invoice and realized that I hadn’t accounted for the PM exclusive add-ons OR the additional shipping. Now I (like so many of us) am forced to decide

Was the deleted tweet about Nintendo resorting to bioterrorism to shut down tournaments? Because that's immediately where my mind went, jokingly of course.

You’ve missed the point; anyone cheating wouldn’t have played the hand out the way she did. The only cheating that would’ve encouraged her to take the actions she did are physically impossible.

One of these days I want to try one of those homebrew rule sets. DS was one of the first modern boardgames I picked up, years ago, and my family still hasn't made it through a play session without getting frustrated and calling it quits.

Why doesn't anyone crow about the chicken strips? Best damn chicken strips around, hands down.

It’s seasonal, so not really discontinued, but the bacon club chalupa. 

Take this star, I hope you choke on it.

I do not understand how reporters hold their tongues when confronted with such ignorance. Maybe it’s just my inner “um, actually...” guy, but I couldn’t just sit there and be lied to.

This is a huge issue when the game also freezes more often than not when changing rank. Huge pain when you bounce between a few floors on any given day and have to close and relaunch the game every time.

For what it’s worth, don’t feel obligated to play on stick unless it’s really what you want. Console developed fighting games really are designed to be fully playable on pad. I've always loved the series and I'd hate to see someone drop it over little stuff like this.

True, but dang getting past that first screen is a bear. I’ve started leaving Strive running in sleep mode instead of fully powering down, and Heaven (or Hell) help me if one of the kids closes it to play something else, I might just skip Strive for the night.

That still just makes it a game with a great soundtrack. GG, as a concept, is just one homage after another to Daisuke's favorite musicians. Character art, names, special move names, all referencing bands/artists/songs.

I myself dabbled in pacifism once.

It sounds like they only ever had the board, at best it would’ve been a full reproduction. That’s a little different than tearing down an original Tron machine to build a MAME cabinet.

This was my take as well. Wanda was so consumed by grief that she unconsciously reached out for her brother and pulled one across realities.

Keeping it in the FGC is a nice touch, at least for the first one.

Not even close.