Turbo Targa is on Autotrader but when I link there it goes to Autotrader.co.uk...
Turbo Targa is on Autotrader but when I link there it goes to Autotrader.co.uk...
Actually I would think railing against cars and consumerism in general on a website that specializes in the discussion about (usually expensive) cars would be a more surefire sign of an utter failure.
Wow. Just Wow.
Let me tell you a dirty little secret. Most of the people that feel they "need" a luxury seven seat SUV are pretty happy with their life choices that got them to the place where they "need" a luxury seven seat SUV...
That's the best colour too.
A lot of people that buy this for EXACTLY the fact that most people will think it's a lowly S-class. Getting dropped off or picked up in front of your office building in a Town Car, an S-class and a RR/Bentley all say very very different things. A lot of people that will have these want to look like they splurged for…
It's not actually Beluga leather (as in whale skin) it's just the name of the colour of leather they used (which also came from a good ol' fashioned moo cow).
Didn't Jeep have a denim interior on one of their 70's editions though?
It's a carbon tub and much more rigid than any 458. The carbon folding roof that goes in the front trunk isn't all that heavy, they might have been able to save 10lbs with a fixed roof and gained a little more rigidity but not appreciably.
Didn't have the sound turned on (at the office!) but from those laps the 918 looks like a pussycat to drive. The hot lap of the P1 looked like he was gettign a little squirm on the exits gettign on the power a little fast (probably due to the turbos coming on, people don't have the experience a driving with MASSIVE…
What about the S Coupé? Just stay as an S550 with two doors? Bring back the SEC!!! SEC63! Or the Mouthful known as the SEC 350dh 4Matic! It just rolls off the tongue! Nine syllables...
Actually I think it would be a GLC250d
We had one of these growing up. It was magnificent. No one knew what it actually WAS (including us) but it was a great roadtrip car.
With the short squeeze that momentarily made VW the highest market cap company in the world by a large margin.