
The pressure to breastfeed exclusively is obscene and unrealistic. If only they would focus on supporting combo feeding as a way to increase breastfeeding longevity knowing that it can actually do wonders for people who nurse and the child nursing... but no.

When my kid was born, I was forced to attend prenatal psych

If this was not the most perfect death penalty case, then why do we have the death penalty at all?” - I can’t help but feel she’s absolutely right, just not in the way she intended.

The lid & the seat should always be down. When a guy needs to stand there to piss, he should lift the seat and the lid & then lower them both when he’s finished.

She’d never get the republican support to run.

The quote from the NYT is wrong, and at best misleading. Ultrasound machines send out ultrasound via the transducer in the wand that is pressed against one’s body, and interpret the reflections as physical structures, much as RADAR does with radio waves. They don’t “....translate the waves of electrical activity into

I’m a huge Tolkien fan. I’ve read The Silmarillion MULTIPLE times. I thrive on the old world first and second age stuff and I’m not mad at all. I really don’t get what these people are up in arms about.

On Galadriel being a badass warrior: EVERY elf from the first into the second age was a freakin’ badass. There were

Tolkien: Galadriel is the most powerful and important of the elves.

I don’t know Becky G, and I’m not interested in divination through cards, but her dress is obviously tarot cards, c’mon now!

It was excruciating to watch, but if the first thing you were not thinking about was how it’s just like our lives today, then maybe you missed the point. I hope it sparked conversations about how horrible others making decisions for your health and safety are.  

Almost all of these are hideous, and the Miles Teller one is among the grossest of the lot.

Gerrymandering, claiming voter fraud, out and out lying.

has thus far relied on extremely underhanded, dishonest tactics”

Kansas has been choked with signs for both sides, but the vast majority of signs have been Vote No, which is giving me some hope. Like the person above, I was also worried about putting out a yard sign and making my home a target (my trans brother/roommate works from home and would be the one there). When people put

It’s California’s Prop 8 all over again. Poorly written and very confusing.

Married people get STD’s all the time.  Happened to a family friend.  Her spouse was an alcoholic and a drunk.  Gave his wife an STD while she was pregnant with his child.  Fuck these horrible people.

They are apparently planning to charge people who have abortions out of state and return to their forced-birth state

How can it be legal to stop people from going to another state and doing something that is legal there? Or charging them with a crime if they do so? Someone stated in the comments that if you went to a state where a certain gun is legal, you couldn’t buy that gun and legally bring it back to a state where that gun is

How do they not understand that if the person carries the pregnancy dies ...so does the fetus??? So instead of the loss of one (potential) life, they are losing an actual life AND the potential life they want to save? Monsters. 

When you burn yourself on your own hot take.

Doja cat is consistently problematic and stupid. she frequently gets on instagram live and says vile, shitty stuff about people a lot less powerful, rich, and famous than she is. as many have pointed out, it’s really fucking weird she DM’d noah for this purpose. but it is infuriating that this article treats doja like